The Event module defines an EventHandleGenerator
that is used to create
s with unique GUIDs. It contains a counter for the number
of EventHandle
s it generates. An EventHandle
is used to count the number of
events emitted to a handle and emit events to the event store.
- Resource
- Struct
- Constants
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Module Specification
use 0x1::BCS;
use 0x1::Errors;
use 0x1::Signer;
use 0x1::Vector;
A resource representing the counter used to generate uniqueness under each account. There won't be destructor for this resource to guarantee the uniqueness of the generated handle.
struct EventHandleGenerator has key
counter: u64
addr: address
A handle for an event such that:
- Other modules can emit events to this handle.
- Storage can use this handle to prove the total number of events that happened in the past.
struct EventHandle<T: drop, store> has store
counter: u64
- Total number of events emitted to this event stream.
guid: vector<u8>
- A globally unique ID for this event stream.
The event generator resource was in an invalid state
const EEVENT_GENERATOR: u64 = 0;
Publishs a new event handle generator.
public fun publish_generator(account: &signer)
public fun publish_generator(account: &signer) {
let addr = Signer::address_of(account);
assert!(!exists<EventHandleGenerator>(addr), Errors::already_published(EEVENT_GENERATOR));
move_to(account, EventHandleGenerator{ counter: 0, addr })
Derive a fresh unique id by using sender's EventHandleGenerator. The generated vector is indeed unique because it was derived from the hash(sender's EventHandleGenerator || sender_address). This module guarantees that the EventHandleGenerator is only going to be monotonically increased and there's no way to revert it or destroy it. Thus such counter is going to give distinct value for each of the new event stream under each sender. And since we hash it with the sender's address, the result is guaranteed to be globally unique.
fun fresh_guid(counter: &mut Event::EventHandleGenerator): vector<u8>
fun fresh_guid(counter: &mut EventHandleGenerator): vector<u8> {
let sender_bytes = BCS::to_bytes(&counter.addr);
let count_bytes = BCS::to_bytes(&counter.counter);
counter.counter = counter.counter + 1;
// EventHandleGenerator goes first just in case we want to extend address in the future.
Vector::append(&mut count_bytes, sender_bytes);
Use EventHandleGenerator to generate a unique event handle for sig
public fun new_event_handle<T: drop, store>(account: &signer): Event::EventHandle<T>
public fun new_event_handle<T: drop + store>(account: &signer): EventHandle<T>
acquires EventHandleGenerator {
let addr = Signer::address_of(account);
assert!(exists<EventHandleGenerator>(addr), Errors::not_published(EEVENT_GENERATOR));
EventHandle<T> {
counter: 0,
guid: fresh_guid(borrow_global_mut<EventHandleGenerator>(addr))
Emit an event with payload msg
by using handle_ref
's key and counter.
public fun emit_event<T: drop, store>(handle_ref: &mut Event::EventHandle<T>, msg: T)
public fun emit_event<T: drop + store>(handle_ref: &mut EventHandle<T>, msg: T) {
let guid = *&handle_ref.guid;
write_to_event_store<T>(guid, handle_ref.counter, msg);
handle_ref.counter = handle_ref.counter + 1;
Native procedure that writes to the actual event stream in Event store This will replace the "native" portion of EmitEvent bytecode
fun write_to_event_store<T: drop, store>(guid: vector<u8>, count: u64, msg: T)
native fun write_to_event_store<T: drop + store>(guid: vector<u8>, count: u64, msg: T);
Destroy a unique handle.
public fun destroy_handle<T: drop, store>(handle: Event::EventHandle<T>)
public fun destroy_handle<T: drop + store>(handle: EventHandle<T>) {
EventHandle<T> { counter: _, guid: _ } = handle;
Functions of the event module are mocked out using the intrinsic pragma. They are implemented in the prover's prelude.
pragma intrinsic = true;