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Firmata example

Frederic Pillon edited this page Mar 15, 2018 · 5 revisions

Firmata example on Nucleo L476RG

See Firmata library for further information.

  1. If not already done, download and install the Arduino software (IDE) for the required OS. (Windows, Linux or Mac instructions)

  2. Configure the IDE to the desired board.

See Getting-Started#configuring-ide

  1. Open the Firmata sketch from the "File> Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata"

  1. Click the upload button

See Getting-Started#upload-method to change the upload method.

When board restart, LED blinking several time (indicating Firmata version). **Firmata **is ready to use.

Firmata Test Program

Firmata client test are available here (no installation required)


Test with ScratchX (experimental)

Firmata can be tested with ScratchX using the Scratch Arduino Extension. Please, follow the Getting Started since step 2.

Some examples, which could be loaded with the plugin, for the Nucleo L476RG:

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