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Kay Kasemir edited this page Oct 26, 2019 · 1 revision

Arduino vs. RoboRIO

The Arduino is a comparably simple micro-controller consisting of one processor core, running one C (C++) program.

The RoboRIO is a somewhat more complex computer that has several CPU cores. It can communicate via the network to the field control system and the drive station, while running a Java (or C++ or LabView) program.

Arduino RoboRIO
Powered by 7..12V or USB 12 V
USB to program USB or Network to program
14 Digital or PWM I/O 10 Digital I/O + 10 PWM + 4 Relay outputs
6 Analog Inputs 4 Analog Inputs

Still, they're similar. You can use what you learn to do with one on the other. Their programming languages use the same ideas, albeit in a different dialect.

Arduino (C, C++) RoboRIO (Java)
setup() robotInit()
loop() robotPeriodic() or autonomousPeriodic() or teleopPeriodic()
Serial.println() System.out.println()
if (..) {...} else {...} if (..) {...} else {...}
delay(1000) Thread.sleep(1000)
millis() System.currentTimeMillis()
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); DigitalOutput led = new DigitalOutput(2);
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); led.set(true);
digitalWrite(2, LOW); led.set(false);
Servo arm; arm.attach(9); Servo arm = new Servo(9);
arm.write(90); arm.setAngle(90);
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