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Kay Kasemir edited this page Apr 15, 2019 · 1 revision


RGB LEDs actually consist of 3 LEDs, one being Red, the other Green and the 3rd one Blue. Their brightness is usually programmed via a number from 0 to 255:

R G B Color
0 0 0 Black
255 0 0 Red (full)
100 0 0 Red (dim)
0 255 0 Green
255 255 0 Yellow
255 0 255 Purple
255 255 255 White
100 100 100 Gray

Sometimes they are also programmed via numbers between 0 and 1.0, where RGB = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 would then represent white.

RGB LED strands come in two basic varieties

Analog RGB Strands

This type usually has 4 connectors: Ground, Red, Green, Blue. The controller sends a voltage to the 3 RGB wires, and all LEDs in the strand then light up in that same color.

Digital RGB Strands

This type usually has 3 connectors: Ground, 5V, Signal. The controller sends a digital signal to the 3rd wire which in turn includes the desired color of each LED in the strand. This allows setting the color of each individual LED, but requires more work in the program.

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