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02 Key Bindings

Tiago Porto edited this page Mar 14, 2018 · 35 revisions

Table of Contents

Useful Key Bindings

If you're like me and always confused with a lot of key bindings, it's for us. A list of useful shortcuts.


Win & Linux Mac OS description
f11 Ctrl Command f Full screen
shift f11 Ctrl Command shift f Distract mode
alt shift 2 command option 2 Layout in 2 columns
alt shift 8 command option shift 2 Layout in 2 rows


Win & Linux Mac OS description
Ctrl d Command d Quick Add Next.
Ctrl l Command l select the entire line.
Click the word
Alt F3
Click the word
Ctrl Command g
Find All
Ctrl Shift l Command Shift l Splitting the Selection with a cursor at the end of each line
Ctrl k,
Ctrl d
Command k,
Command d
Quick Skip Next
Ctrl u Command u If you go too far, use Undo Selection to step backwards
ctrl shift a Ctrl Shift w Expand selection to tag
Click on the text alt f3 Click on the text Ctrl Command g Search for any instance of the text, disregarding word boundaries.
Ctrl Shift or Ctrl or Line bubbling
Ctrl alt enter Control alt return Ctrl shift w wrap selection with tag
alt F3 Command Shift J shift w Select element
Ctrl / Command / Comment single line
Ctrl Shift / Command Option / Wrap block comments around a selection


Win & Linux Mac OS description
Ctrl shift ^ Command shift k Rename both opening and closing html tag.


Win & Linux Mac OS description
command k command 2 Fold Level 2
command k command T Fold Tag atrributes
ctrl shift ç Delete tag
ctrl enter command enter Insert a new line after the current paragraph and jump to it
ctrl shift enter command shift enter Insert a new line before the current paragraph and jump to it
ctrl k, ctrl space Set Mark
ctrl k, ctrl x command k, command x Swap with Mark
ctrl r command r Jump to any heading in the document or the project and see the indentation level
ctrl x command x Cut the line
command delete Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line Delete to the beginning of the lin
ctrl k k command k k Delete from the cursor to the end of the line
ctrl shift k control shift k Delete whole line
ctrl j command j Join the line below your cursor to the one you're currently editing—removing extraneous white space in the process.
ctrl k, ctrl v command k, command v Paste History
ctrl shift t command shift t Reopen Closed Tab
ctrl shift alt p Ctrl shift p Get the syntax scope, useful when creating snippets
Ctrl PgUp or PgDn command alt or Navigate between tabs

Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet

Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (PC)

keyboard shortcuts osx

Custom key bindings

All key bindings are configurable, you can change default key bindings or create new.

How to use

Download the file and save on the right folder

Or just copy and past

Sublime Text/Preferences/Key Bindings


Enables searching for keymaps and show all enabled keymaps in a searchable Cheat Sheet.

Help identify conflicting key mappings.