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04 Packages

Tiago Porto edited this page May 10, 2018 · 29 revisions

Packages in Sublime Text are a collection of resource files used to extend functionalities, they can be: plugins, syntax highlighting, menus, snippets...

There are a lot of custom packages to install, you can install packages to your necessity or you can create your own package.


Package Control manage all packages, makes it simple to find, install, remove and keep packages up-to-date.

Menu > Tools > Install Package Control

How to use

Installing packages

  • ctrl shift p
  • Type install
  • Select Package Control: Install Package
  • Search the package you want to install

Removing packages

  • ctrl shift p
  • Type remove
  • Select Package Control: Remove Package
  • Find the package you want to remove

Provides enhancements to the operations on Sidebar of Files and Folders, like: new file/folder, edit, open/run, reveal, find in selected/parent/project, cut, copy, paste, paste in parent, rename, move, delete, refresh...

screenshot sidebarEnhancements

Tip - When a file is open in Sublime Text, open the command palette and type file copy

screenshot sidebarEnhancements command file copy

Format HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON code.

Autocomplete filenames and paths in HTML and CSS.

How to use

  • In the file press ctrl space

Screenshot AutoFileName screenshots

Inserting markdown and stylus in the scope

Copy the file autofilename.sublime-settings in the folder C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User in windows, ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User in OS X or ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User in Linux.

Provides utilities to work with tags in HTML/XML: "Close tag on slash", "Tag indent or AutoFormat Tags", "Tag Remove", "Insert as Tag", "Tag Remove Attributes", "Tag Close", "Tag Lint"

How to use

Immediately highlights incorrect brackets

Finds and highlights matching brackets such as: [], (), {}, "", '', , and even custom brackets.


Highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash!

Screenshot TrailingSpaces

Setting Trim On Save

  • Copy the file trailing_spaces.sublime-settings in the folder
    • C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User in windows
    • ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3 in OS X.

Emmet is the most essential plugin for web-developers, it helps you write HTML and CSS code easily, expanding simple abbreviations into complex code snippets.

Changes are transmitted from the editor to the browser and the browser into the editor.

Open a Color Picker in Sublime Text.

How to use

  • ctrl shift c on Windows or command shift c on OS X

Live Preview of color values in Stylesheets.



The key bindings that plugin, use some of the same useful standards key bindins of the Sublime Text , I usually disable them

  • Menu Option tools -> color highlighter -> Disable default keybindings

  • Menu Preferences -> Package Settings -> Color Highlighter -> Settings – User

    "ha_style": "filled"

Sublime plugin that provides helpful color tooltips

Plugin for Sublime Text to move tabs around with keyboard shortcut

Move tab

Increase / decrease of numbers, dates, hex color values, etc.

Good plugin to help write documentation in JavaScript, PHP, CofeeScript, ...

Screenshot DocBlockr

How to use

  • Press enter or tab after /** (or ###* for Coffee-Script).

EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. The EditorConfig project consists of a file format for defining coding styles and a collection of text editor plugins that enable editors to read the file format and adhere to defined styles.

How to use

FTP, FTPS and SFTP support for Sublime Text.

Screenshots SFTP

How to use

Turn you Sublime Text editor into a HTTP server

A Gulp task runner with snippets.

How to use

It's necessary a gulpfile.js in the open folder to run tasks.

  • ctrl shift p
  • Type gulp
  • Select the task to run

gulp screenshot

See the documentation on sublime-gulp to snippets.

A simple key-binding for aligning multi-line and multiple selections.

Alignment Screenshot

How to use

  • ctrl alt a

Useful for quick check CSS property support on the Can I Use site.

How to use

  • Mark or place your cursor over a CSS property and press ctrl alt f.

Coding style formatter for CSS.

How to use

  • ctrl shift c

Quickly accessing cheat sheets

Cheat sheets print

Launch terminals from the current file or the root project folder.

How to use

  • ctrl alt shift t - Open Terminal at Project Folder

  • ctrl shift t - Open Terminal at File -

    This key binding is the same of the default sublime reopen closed tab, I prefer to switch to alt shift t.

Allows live editing of Chrome text area or JS Code editor content with Sublime Text.

Screenshot GhostText

Addition Installation

How to use

  • In Chrome, click the GhostText button in the upper-right corner to open up Sublime Text.

An alignment plugin for Sublime Text using regular expression

AlignTab plugin Example

More layouts plugin example