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example 11
Tim Docker edited this page Jan 29, 2015
7 revisions
This chart:
was produced by this code:
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
titles = ["Cash","Equity"]
values :: [ (String,[Double]) ]
values =
[ ("Jun", [20,45])
, ("Jul", [45,30])
, ("Aug", [30,20])
, ("Sep", [10,40])
, ("Oct", [20,50])
main = toFile def "example11_big.png" $ do
layout_title .= "Sample Bars"
layout_title_style . font_size .= 10
layout_x_axis . laxis_generate .= autoIndexAxis (map fst values)
plot $ fmap plotBars $ bars titles (addIndexes (map snd values))
Here is equivalent code without using the Easy helper functions and monadic stateful API:
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Default.Class
import Control.Lens
import System.Environment(getArgs)
chart borders = toRenderable layout
layout =
layout_title .~ "Sample Bars" ++ btitle
$ layout_title_style . font_size .~ 10
$ layout_x_axis . laxis_generate .~ autoIndexAxis alabels
$ layout_y_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layout_left_axis_visibility . axis_show_ticks .~ False
$ layout_plots .~ [ plotBars bars2 ]
$ def :: Layout PlotIndex Double
bars2 = plot_bars_titles .~ ["Cash","Equity"]
$ plot_bars_values .~ addIndexes [[20,45],[45,30],[30,20],[70,25]]
$ plot_bars_style .~ BarsClustered
$ plot_bars_spacing .~ BarsFixGap 30 5
$ plot_bars_item_styles .~ map mkstyle (cycle defaultColorSeq)
$ def
alabels = [ "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct" ]
btitle = if borders then "" else " (no borders)"
bstyle = if borders then Just (solidLine 1.0 $ opaque black) else Nothing
mkstyle c = (solidFillStyle c, bstyle)
main = renderableToFile def "example11_big.png" (chart True)