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Tim Docker edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 8 revisions

This chart:

was produced by this code:

import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
import System.Random

trial frac = scanl (*) 1 (map f bits)
    b = 0.1

    f True = (1+frac*(1+b))
    f False = (1-frac)
    bits = randoms $ mkStdGen 0

vals :: Double -> [ (Double,LogValue) ]
vals frac = [(fromIntegral x, LogValue y) | (x,y) <- filter (\(x,_)-> x `mod` (m+1)==0) $ take n $ zip [0..] (trial frac)]
    n = 1001
    m = 0

main = toFile def "example4_big.png" $ do
    layout_title .= "Simulation of betting on a biased coin"
    plot (line "f=0.05" [vals 0.05 ])
    plot (line "f=0.1" [vals 0.1])

Here is equivalent code without using the Easy helper functions and monadic stateful API:

import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Default.Class
import Control.Lens
import System.Random
import System.Environment(getArgs)


chart :: Double -> Renderable ()
chart lwidth = toRenderable (layout 1001 (trial bits) :: Layout Double LogValue)
    bits = randoms $ mkStdGen 0

    layout n t = layout_title .~ "Simulation of betting on a biased coin"
               $ layout_plots .~ [
                      toPlot (plot "f=0.05" s1 n 0 (t 0.05)),
                      toPlot (plot "f=0.1" s2 n 0 (t 0.1))
               $ def

    plot tt s n m t = plot_lines_style .~ s
                 $ plot_lines_values .~
                       [[(fromIntegral x, LogValue y) | (x,y) <-
                         filter (\(x,_)-> x `mod` (m+1)==0) $ take n $ zip [0..] t]]
                 $ plot_lines_title .~ tt
                 $ def

    b = 0.1

    trial bits frac = scanl (*) 1 (map f bits)
        f True = (1+frac*(1+b))
        f False = (1-frac)

    s1 = solidLine lwidth $ opaque green
    s2 = solidLine lwidth $ opaque blue

main = renderableToFile def "example4_big.png" (chart 0.25)
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