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Current fluency data

jouniso edited this page Apr 28, 2017 · 6 revisions

NOTE ‼️ End of life on August 31, 2017! Start using new REST/JSON-APIS before that.

Only links of Helsinki Metropolitan Area are measured. Link numbers are one to three digits long and under 1000 for Helsinki Metropolitan Area.

The message contains for each link the latest 5 minute median, corresponding average speed, fluency class, and timestamp of the latest update.

The message is updates each time we receive new median data from MTP. Normally this is once per minute. If MTP does not send us new data, the message is not updated.




  • timestamp p timestamp of the latest update of the message, both in UTC time zone and local (Finnish) time zone

  • laststaticdataupdate timestamp of the latest update of the link static data in UTC time zone

  • linkstat data for a single link

  • linkno link identifier

  • measurementtime timestamp of median calculation for this link, in UTC and Finnish time zones

  • journeytimenow median of travel times for this link, based on 5 minutes, in seconds

  • midspeednow a decimal number for average speed in km/h, calculated based on the median travel time

  • fluencyclassnow index of the fluency class

    • 1 = stationary traffic
    • 2 = queuing traffic
    • 3 = slow traffic
    • 4 = heavy traffic
    • 5 = traffic flowing freely
  • nobs number of observations that were used to calculate the median journey time.

    • -1 = unknown
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