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tomhea edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the FlipJump wiki-redirection page!

Learn to write FlipJump programs on the Learn Flipjump page.

The very extensive and updated wiki can be found at esolangs/FlipJump.

The wiki page contains everything you need to know about the language, thing you need to know to understand the language, standard library, and even to program in it.
The wiki contains some code examples with explanations.

Long story short..

FlipJump is a 1-instruction language, intending to be the simplest / most-primitive OISC.
It successfully shows that you need practically nothing to do anything (standard library, example programs).

As the name implies - It Flips a bit, then Jumps (unconditionally). The fj op has 2 operands:


a and b are both addresses of bits, and it is equivalent to:

not *a; jump b

Have fun exploring its power!

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