A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX
Feb 22, 2025 - TeX
LaTeX is a typesetting system used to create technical and scientific documents. It is an alternative to word processing, with an emphasis on content over appearance.
A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX
📔 A package for converting and rendering markdown documents in TeX
XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX package for using unicode/OpenType maths fonts
Simple, typographic beamer theme
sthlmNord is a LaTeX Beamer slide deck theme inspired by the arctic north blueish colour palette of Nord. The code base is HEAVILY influenced by hsrmbeamer and mtheme. WIP
Include Jupyter notebook cells in TeX documents
LaTeX package that embeds and executes Wolfram Language (Mathematica) codes inside LaTeX documents
📑 LaTeX Thesis Template for School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | National Technical University of Athens
The aim of auto-paper is to give you tips, tricks, and tools to accelerate your publication rate and improve publication quality.
Handling SVG pictures in LaTeX documents using Inkscape, ImageMagick and/or Ghostscript
A LuaLaTeX package for PlantUML in LaTeX
package reledmac for latex
A LaTeX package for creating leadsheets and songbooks
A handmade collection of latex templates, classes and style files
Created by Leslie Lamport
Released 1985