An R Port of Stata's 'margins' Command
Jul 31, 2024 - R
Stata is a general-purpose statistical software package used for data analysis, data management, and graphics. The software is available in both command-line and graphical user interface versions, and it is known for its flexibility and scalability. Stata can handle large datasets and offers a wide range of statistical procedures, including descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and advanced econometrics. Additionally, it has strong data management capabilities, making it a popular choice for data cleaning and preparation tasks. Stata has a large community of users and developers who have created a vast collection of user-written commands and programs that extend its functionality.
An R Port of Stata's 'margins' Command
Stata commands designed for Impact Evaluations in particular, but also data work in general
a module for building, searching, installing, managing, and mining Stata packages from GitHub
A Stata template for running high frequency checks of incoming research data at Innovations for Poverty Action
Flowchart is a STATA module/package that generates publication-quality Subject Disposition Flowchart Diagrams in LaTeX Format. This package generates PGF/TikZ code through texdoc, compiled in LaTeX to produce the diagram as a PDF. The final diagram is the same in style as ones used in the PRISMA Statement, CONSORT 2010 Statement, or STROBE State…
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A Stata Package for Regression Sensitivity Analysis
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EduAnalytics Team Toolkit for Data Management, Documentation and Analytics
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IPW- and CBPS-type propensity score reweighting, with various extensions (Stata package)
This command can help you to quickly screen for control variables that keep all variables at a certain level of significance in regression.
Stata command to automatically find commands used in a do or ado file.
A collection of Stata scripts and dialog boxes
Stata command implementing contour enhanced funnel plots for meta-analysis
A repo experimenting with installation of Stata packages from GitHub
All technical Solution under one umbrella
Stata PRISM Score Calculation
Created by StataCorp