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V Systems v0.2.2

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@ncying ncying released this 24 Sep 10:32
· 834 commits to master since this release

Release Details

  1. Solve max transaction length in broadcast.
  2. Refactor the code
  3. Clean up the unused code
  4. Switch to the latest Swagger
  5. Update the known peers for Mainnet and Testnet configuration

Release Information

  1. The max transaction length for broadcast expended from 1114 bytes to 4096 bytes, this will solve the issue that some long transactions(Register/Execute) can not be broadcasted.
  2. Refactor the code and fix the issue of scala code style. Fixed some java style code or incorrect usage code.
  3. Some used transaction types and elements are remove. e.g. Alias, Issue/Reissue/Transfer Transactions, Matcher. Related unit test are removed too.
  4. Switched the Swagger version from 0.2.1 to 2.0.0
  5. Update known peers
    i. Known Peers for Mainnet
    known-peers = ["","","",""]
    ii. Known Peers for Testnet
    known-peers = ["","","","",""]
  6. Node users can reuse the previous block data without any re-download/re-sync. Users can restart the node with same blockchain data/state with same configuration.
  7. This release for both V Systems Testnet and Mainnet users