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Releases: virtualeconomy/v-systems

V Systems v0.4.2 Riemann

21 Jan 03:20
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Release Details

  1. design a number of contracts to support new functionalities
  2. add support for BigInt data type
  3. add OPC for converting between numerical data types
  4. add OPC for the sqrt operation
  5. add OPC for if statement

Release Information

  1. new contract related transactions will be activated on height 18030000 (Testnet) and 25416184 (Mainnet)
  2. database update
    a. users can use the old database (v0.3.1 later) and restart the service by using version v0.4.2. (if node need the extra state features, please use solution b)
    b. if full node users need a clean start, please re-sync the whole database.
  3. this release is only for V Systems both Testnet and Mainnet users


Several new contracts and related contract systems upgrade.

Swap contracts

  1. V Atomic Swap
  2. V Swap (automated market maker implementation)
  3. V Stable Swap (liquidity pool with set price)

Second version tokens contract

  1. token V2
  2. NFT v2

Other contracts

  1. V Escrow (escrow service contract)
  2. V Option (emulates traditional options)

Sha256 Checksums

8bc05ea0b94eba15a198c65499be4314600cee00eb799820b413432471d55c8e => v-systems-0.4.2.jar
ca73e0a2b7a25a9ba851f73783fa5c9bfdc18dc74166e5273b689046330e5fe8 => v_systems_0.4.2_mainnet.deb
8eabf4a46df11883ede910e4bd1b7e725385c75ce33281ac158c8907fd03405c => v_systems_0.4.2_testnet.deb

V Systems v0.4.1

21 Dec 08:32
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Release Details

  1. Dependencies update
  2. Testnet issue fix

Sha256 Checksums

2dc6aec78a101a6707c263d5962201b6b74ce43218199804f3c4a6018c263b6e => v-systems-0.4.1.jar
c00501e4a442d75317cc29facdace0823c06fb60272b462956d88494ff502e9c => v_systems_0.4.1_mainnet.deb
6900d55528634508d94f3e90374e6a575ed25e86f3d7e004289db9385b96aaf6 => v_systems_0.4.1_testnet.deb

V Systems v0.4.0 (Testnet Only)

04 Oct 04:46
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Release Details

  1. new operation codes for contract systems
  2. new contracts

Release Information

  1. new contract related transactions will be activated on height 18,030,000 (only for Testnet)
  2. all node users should back up all block information generated before.
  3. if users need to activate new database-related features, this release is required to re-download the whole blockchain data started from height 1.
  4. this release is only for V Systems Testnet users
  5. this release is based on branch master


Several exchange-related new contracts and related contract systems upgrade.

Sha256 Checksums

61bf7bbbae6e3b42b0f215a79e662323e3034ec1434aab02afa23adbdc49c360  => v-systems-0.4.0.jar
37504c2465037c0597495e10eeadd53a210630b7abb8b1150a9ad19d4ba5114e  => v_systems_0.4.0_testnet.deb

V Systems v0.3.3

26 Jul 04:12
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Release Details

  1. Fix public key API JSON format
  2. Fix peer database close issue
  3. add token index check API
  4. update contract support logic for next new release

Release Information

  1. users can use the old database (v0.3.1, v0.3.2) and restart the service by using version v0.3.3.
  2. this release for V Systems both Testnet and Mainnet users

Sha256 Checksums

3b17e1288c08b76c3adbf38a9b0e65b9bcb311cead2788bdf24c4677b1707bd9  => v-systems-0.3.3.jar
3252e2cdffb99a017dad75c48e9b71ac18bf8c3d92863a471a822ce458383722  => v_systems_0.3.3_mainnet.deb
0e49b0c7b691c8abe22976090c2e9d94ca6337dcdce9b6494663974e29c92c50  => v_systems_0.3.3_testnet.deb

V Systems v0.3.2

22 Jul 02:45
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Release Details

  1. Fix the dynamic variable issue, the system will be more stable in lower resource environment.
  2. Fix it test error

Release Information

  1. users can use the old database (v0.3.1) and restart the service by using the version v0.3.2.
  2. this release only for V Systems both Testnet and Mainnet users

Sha256 Checksums

6cbfb4028842f1fad44ca15f95bdb38880b3fce5fd8d80a5b39b5cd9a735a424  => v-systems-0.3.2.jar
a00b15236b1c938e98ffd3c1c5d5bd73deba2543c93675ed6df6b4ad28a09839  => v_systems_0.3.2_mainnet.deb
0fb834ec3752e3514ee2789c93b58c995372b512c9e274f297e9bce2e47c34c3  => v_systems_0.3.2_testnet.deb

V Systems v0.3.1 Fermat

30 Jun 01:11
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Release Details

  1. new operation codes for v contract systems, including contract DB get/load
  2. state map in the contract systems for contract DB usage
  3. new token related contracts for better service
  4. new state features for some application usage node

Release Information

  1. new contract related transactions will be activated on height 12550000 (Testnet) and 13140520 (Mainnet)
  2. database update
    a. all node users should back up all block information generated before. this release required to re-download the whole blockchain data started from height 1. (suggestion)
    b. users can use the old database (v0.2.2 later) and restart the service by using the version v0.3.1. (workable, if node need the extra state features, please use solution a or c)
    c. download the reference database and restart the service. (coming soon)
  3. this release only for V Systems both Testnet and Mainnet users
  4. this release based on branch Fermat
  5. suggest using the jar version directly.


Several new contracts and related contract systems upgrade.

  1. lock contract
  2. payment channel contract
  3. non-fungible token contract


Some network settings for high-performance usage

network {
    # How many network inbound network connections can be made
    max-inbound-connections = 120
    # Number of outbound network connections
    max-outbound-connections = 120
    # Network buffer size
    outbound-buffer-size = 64M

Blockchain memory buffer

blockchain {
    type = MAINNET
    minimum-in-memory-diff-blocks = 1000

Extra account and transactions state

    state {
      # turn on/off the state of transactions grouped by address and transaction type 
      tx-type-account-tx-ids = on
rest-api {
    # Enable/disable custom http api routes
    custom-api {
      # Routes with "/transactions"
      transactions {
        address-transaction-count = on
        address-transaction-list = on

Wallet Generation

Users can use to generate the wallet.dat file instead of the random system generated one.

Sha256 Checksums

9f37508e550d3f0937ecfca5e9ed2d5fbf714d6f8f6ecae1e98fb3947cb67c03  => v-systems-0.3.1.jar
83d3bf633e9eda65a3bb23cbd42d323b23208467925e5b63c3c5b2d996a6f442  => v_systems_0.3.1_mainnet.deb
d5de38064857af836a92ebc1e2e3664fdccd2566cc4756a8d0d8dbebe6ebdd4e  => v_systems_0.3.1_testnet.deb

V Systems v0.3.0 (Testnet Only)

08 May 07:58
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Release Details

  1. new operation codes for contract systems
  2. new contracts

Release Information

  1. new contract related transactions will be activated on height 12550000 (only for Testnet)
  2. all node users should back up all block information generated before. this release required to re-download the whole blockchain data started from height 1.
  3. this release only for V Systems Testnet users
  4. this release based on branch Fermat


Several new contracts and related contract systems upgrade.

V Systems v0.2.2

24 Sep 10:32
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Release Details

  1. Solve max transaction length in broadcast.
  2. Refactor the code
  3. Clean up the unused code
  4. Switch to the latest Swagger
  5. Update the known peers for Mainnet and Testnet configuration

Release Information

  1. The max transaction length for broadcast expended from 1114 bytes to 4096 bytes, this will solve the issue that some long transactions(Register/Execute) can not be broadcasted.
  2. Refactor the code and fix the issue of scala code style. Fixed some java style code or incorrect usage code.
  3. Some used transaction types and elements are remove. e.g. Alias, Issue/Reissue/Transfer Transactions, Matcher. Related unit test are removed too.
  4. Switched the Swagger version from 0.2.1 to 2.0.0
  5. Update known peers
    i. Known Peers for Mainnet
    known-peers = ["","","",""]
    ii. Known Peers for Testnet
    known-peers = ["","","","",""]
  6. Node users can reuse the previous block data without any re-download/re-sync. Users can restart the node with same blockchain data/state with same configuration.
  7. This release for both V Systems Testnet and Mainnet users

V Systems v0.2.1 Euclid

16 Aug 08:05
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Release Details

  1. design a basic contract format in v systems
  2. add basic token related contract
  3. re-factor the storage of the blockchain
  4. re-organize the directories in
  5. support string amount in Payment and Lease for Node.js API users

Release Information

  1. contract related transactions will be activated on height 6100000 (for Mainnet), before this height, all versions before worked. After the contract related functions activate, only Euclid release or later can be worked.
  2. all node users should backup all block information generated before. this release required to re-download the whole blockchain data started from height 1.
  3. the default db path is directory = {user.home}/.vsys(Wallet and peers data) and data-directory = {user.home}/.vsys/data(Block data), check the configure files and reset the path.
  4. this release for both V Systems Testnet and Mainnet users
  5. this release most based on branch Euclid


  1. given/design a basic/simply none Turing complete contract format
  2. a simple permitted token management contract for more blockchain developers and users
  3. powerful the base main blockchain functionality

contract format

  1. design a basic contract structure. (lang code, lang version, trigger, descriptor, state variable, textual)
  2. add basic contract execute environment. (for basic opc, basic function)
  3. add two related transactions. (register contract transaction and execute contract function transaction)

token related contract

  1. add 9 classes of opc for token
  2. add 7 types of DataEntry
  3. design two permitted contracts (include trigger: init, descriptor: issue, destroy, supersede, split[optional], send, transfer, deposit, withdraw, totalSupply, maxSupply, balanceOf, getIssuer)
  4. add related state DB
  5. add failed transaction status
  6. add related valid and invalid unit test for new features

V Systems v0.2.0 (Testnet Only)

14 May 06:40
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Release Details

  1. design a basic contract format in v systems
  2. add basic token related contract

Release Information

  1. contract related transactions will be activated on height 4326000 (only for Testnet)
  2. all node users should backup all block information generated before. this release required to re-download the whole blockchain data started from height 1.
  3. for MVStore DB user, double check the vsys-testnet.conf file and add the levelDB data directory (data-directory).
  4. this release only for V Systems Testnet users
  5. this release based on branch Euclid


Some basic usage of token contract