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V Systems v0.3.3

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@ncying ncying released this 26 Jul 04:12
· 410 commits to master since this release

Release Details

  1. Fix public key API JSON format
  2. Fix peer database close issue
  3. add token index check API
  4. update contract support logic for next new release

Release Information

  1. users can use the old database (v0.3.1, v0.3.2) and restart the service by using version v0.3.3.
  2. this release for V Systems both Testnet and Mainnet users

Sha256 Checksums

3b17e1288c08b76c3adbf38a9b0e65b9bcb311cead2788bdf24c4677b1707bd9  => v-systems-0.3.3.jar
3252e2cdffb99a017dad75c48e9b71ac18bf8c3d92863a471a822ce458383722  => v_systems_0.3.3_mainnet.deb
0e49b0c7b691c8abe22976090c2e9d94ca6337dcdce9b6494663974e29c92c50  => v_systems_0.3.3_testnet.deb