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gersseba edited this page Jan 8, 2014 · 4 revisions

This is a general collection of ideas regarding a possible AI implementation. The concepts should (partly) provide the features discussed in the AI feature page.

Layered AI (bottom up)

Layer 0: "Board Computer"

  • least complex instructions:
    • turn to point/object, fly to point, fire bullets/rockets

Layer 1: Basic Task

  • basic instructions:
    • go to waypoint & avoid obstacles, destroy enemy ship, flee, follow

Layer 2: Elevated Task

  • complex instructions, possibly resulting in several basic tasks
    • go to place & find best route (jump gates etc), patrol area, escort ship, search & destroy

Layer 3: Character

  • Attributes that determine the general behavior
  • Alignment, character traits, reputation of others, Ship
    • Faction alignment sets basic reputation of others & possible behavior:
      • Police aids trader attacked by pirates, patrols regions, attacks known pirate routes, avoids pirate bases
      • Traits might have influence on behavior in battle (attacking vs fleeing), or how often they will ignore friendly-fire before attacking
      • Ship might be combined with traits, smaller ships follow larger once, not other way around, also small ships are more likely to attack other small ones instead of large vessels

All Layers need interface to allow the upper layer to execute new tasks, and to monitor the process of a task. After defining certain interfaces, the layers can be implemented independently and each layer should be replaceable with a different implementation without adaptation to other layers.