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Retargeting Sidebar

wikid24 edited this page Feb 19, 2024 · 7 revisions

3D Viewport -> Retargeting Sidebar


Additional controls and tools for the Animation Retargeting addon. 2.1.0 or later must be installed to see these controls


Rest Position Adjustments



Reset Armature Pose

Resets the source or target armature to the original rest pose.

Apply Rotation to Target

Will look for source bones and target bones of the same name on the metadata dictionary, and if found on the same row, will apply a copy rotation modifier to the target armature's bones, as well as set the bone roll to match the source armature's bone roll. Used for automating the the rest pose position in Animation Retargeting Addon.


  • Upper Arms:

    • looks for equivalent of 'arm_L/R' bones on source armature.
    • Also copies source armature's bone roll from the parent bone to target armature's parent bone to prevent any copy rotation issues.
  • Forearms:

    • looks for equivalent of 'elbow_L/R' bones on source armature.
  • Wrists:

    • looks for equivalent of 'wrist_L/R' bones on source armature.
  • Hands:

    • looks for equivalent of 'thumb1_L/R','thumb2_L/R','fore1_L/R','fore2_L/R','fore3_L/R','middle1_L/R','middle2_L/R','middle3_L/R','third1_L/R','third2_L/R','third3_L/R','little1_L/R','little2_L/R','little3_L/R' bones on source armature.
  • Upper Legs:

    • looks for equivalent of 'leg_L/R' bones on source armature.
    • Also copies source armature's bone roll from the parent bone to target armature's parent bone to prevent any copy rotation issues.
  • Lower Legs:

    • looks for equivalent of 'knee_L/R','knee_2_L/R' on the source armature.
    • Special handling for this because most source MMD models do not have a knee_2_L/R, so if that occurs, it will reset target armature's knee_2_L/R back to rest position.
  • Feet:

    • looks for equivalent of 'ankle_L/R' bones on source armature.
  • Toe:

    • looks for equivalent of 'toe_L/R' bones on source armature.
  • Reset bone on Target Armature if Source Bone not found: If checked, does exactly what it says upon pressing any of the above buttons.


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