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Rigid Bodies

wikid24 edited this page Feb 19, 2024 · 8 revisions



Visibility Shortcuts


Hide/Show Rigid Body

Shortcut to the hide/show button on MMD Tools

Hide/Show Rigid Body Name

Shortcut to the hide/show button on MMD Tools

Hide/Show Mesh

Shortcut to the hide/show button on MMD Tools

Enable/Disable Physics

Shortcut to the enable/disable physics button on MMD Tools

Active Rigid Body / Bone


Show the actively selected Rigid body's name, as well as it's connected bone's name. Clicking on the bone name will select the bone in edit mode

Rigid Body Search


Searches for rigid body name(s) based on the parameters provided (starts /w, contains, ends/w)

  • 'Find' will deselect all selected objects first before showing the results
  • 'Find + Add' is the same as 'Find' but will append the results to the currently selected objects
  • 'Trashcan' will clear the 'starts w/', 'contains', and 'ends w/' textboxes

Bone Chain Select



Based on the 'active' rigid body selected's bone, will append the bone's parent's rigid bodies recursively. Useful if you want to apply change in bulk to all the rigid bodies attached to the bones


Same as 'Up', but looks for the bone's children recusively.


It does both 'Up' and 'Down' at the same time

Skirt Select


Vertical Skirt Selection


When the skirt module is leveraged to create rigid bodies, will select all vertical skirt rigid bodies from the active selection (based on the rigid body object name 'skirt_x_y', it will select any rigid bodies that match the currently active x)

Horizontal Skirt Selection


When the skirt module is leveraged to create rigid bodies, will select all horizontal skirt rigid bodies from the active selection (based on the rigid body object name 'skirt_x_y', it will select any rigid bodies that match the currently active y)

All Skirt Selection

When the skirt module is leveraged to create rigid bodies, will select all rigid bodies (based on the rigid body object name 'skirt_x_y', it will select any rigid bodies that match the the name 'skirt_')

Rigid Body Transform



Bulk Apply Rigid Bodies

Used to apply changes to ALL selected rigid bodies.


By default it will show the values on the ACTIVE rigid body.

Selecting a checkbox will apply that specific parameter to all selected rigid bodies.

Rigid Body Bone Chain


Used to apply a 'gradient' change to MMD Tools' rigid bodies.

By default it will show the values on the highest parent rigid body (based on the bone structure) as the START value,with the lowest child bone's rigid body as the END value.

Selecting a checkbox will apply that specific parameter to all selected rigid bodies.

For example if there are 3 selected rigid bodies in a bone chain, with the starting value being 1, and the ending value being 2, the rigid bodies values will be:

  • Rigid body 1: 1.0
  • Rigid body 2: 1.5
  • Rigid body 3: 2.0

Can be used when you need to edit multiple rigid bodies' shape at once, such as a skirt that is uniformly shaped at the top, but gradually gets larger and more angular at the bottom.

All Rigid Body Bone Chains


Same as above but applies the values to ALL selected rigid body bone chains. Since each rigid body bone chain has it's own unique start and end value, this doesn't use the 'absolute' values, but rather applies a delta value based on the inputs.

Rigid Body Create


From Selected Bones

Shortcut to the MMD Tools' Rigid Body Create button:


From FFXIV Template

Creates a Rigid Body skeletion based on the FFXIV general bone body structure, with all these presets created. To see the preset values applied to each bone and the values, check out the Rigid Body Dictionary

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