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Ontology API built on top of the UBKG API and shared by HuBMAP and SenNet projects

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Ontology API for HuBMAP and SenNet applications

Like ubkg-api, the hs-ontology-api is a Flask web application with Blueprint extensions that provides a REST API for parameterized queries against an instance of a UBKG neo4j instance. The hs-ontology-api is specific to the HuBMAP/SenNet context of UBKG: it manages endpoints that assume that the UBKG instance includes content ingested from SABs related to HuBMAP and SenNet. The UBKG-api contains code that is common to all UBKG contexts.

By default, hs-ontology-api imports the ubkg-api that has been compiled as a PyPi package.


SmartAPI documentation

The SmartAPI documentation for the hs-ontology-api can be found here.

Development/testing environment for hs-ontology-api

To enhance or fix the hs-ontology-api, you will need to establish an application development environment on the development machine. Components of the application development environment include:

  1. An instance of a HuBMAP/SenNet UBKG context--i.e., an instance of neo4j populated with HubMAP/SenNet UBKG content. Options include:
    • a local bare-metal instance of neo4j
    • a local Docker install of a UBKG distribution built from ubkg-neo4j
    • a cloud-based instance (development or production)
  2. An instance of ubkg-api--i.e., either
    • an installed PyPi package
    • a local instance
  3. An instance of hs-ontology-api
  4. URLs that execute endpoints against the local instance of hs-ontology-api

Connecting to a HuBMAP/SenNet UBKG instance

To connect your branch of hs-ontology-api to a neo4j instance that hosts a HuBMAP/SenNet UBKG context:

  1. Copy the file file named app.cfg.example in the src/hs-ontology-api/instance directory to a file named app.cfg.
  2. Add to app.cfg the connection information for the neo4j instance. The .gitignore file at the root of this repo will force git to exclude the app.cfg file from commits.

Example UBKG neo4j connect string values for app.cfg

  1. If you are working with a local Docker distribution installed via the script from ubkg-neo4j, then
    • SERVER = 'bolt://localhost:b', where b is the port that you provided to with the -b flag
    • USERNAME = the value that you provided to with the -u flag
    • PASSWORD = the value that you provided to with the -p flag
  2. The HuBMAP/SenNet cloud instances have the following values for SERVER:

Starting your neo4j instance

If you are using a local instance of the UBKG, the instance should be running. In particular, if you installed a local Docker instance of UBKG, be sure that Docker Desktop is running. If the neo4j instance is not available, calls to API endpoints will result in a 500 error.

Connecting to a ubkg-api instance

If you are modifying code only in hs-ontology-api, you will only need to use the PyPy package version of ubkg-api. The package is included in the requirements.txt file of this repo.

If you need to modify both the hs-ontology-api and ubkg-api in concert, you will need to work with a local or branch instance of the ubkg-api. This is possible by doing the following:

  1. If your working ubkg-api instance has been committed to a branch, you can point to the branch instance in requirements.txt with a command such as git+<YOUR BRANCH>
  2. Check out a branch of ubkg-api.
  3. Configure the app.cfg file of the local branch of ubkg-api to connect to the appropriate UBKG instance.
  4. In the virtual environment for hs-ontology-api, install an editable local instance of ubkg-api. Two ways to do this: a. pip install -e path/to/local/ubkg-api/repo b. If using PyCharm, in the Python Packages tab,
    1. Click Add Package.
    2. Navigate to the root of the ubkg-api repo.
    3. Indicate that the package is editable.
  5. Because ubkg-api has a PyPI TOML file, any of the aforementioned commands will compile a local package and override the pointer to the ubkg-api package.

Connecting to the local instance of hs-ontology-api

For URLs that execute endpoints in your local instance, use the values indicated in the script, in the section prefaced with the comment For local development/testing:

For example, if indicates'', port="5002")

then your test endpoint URLs should start with

Testing changes

To test changes to hs-ontology-api, you will need to start a local instance of your local API.

The following assumes that you have created a local branch of hs-ontology-api.

From the command line

  1. Move to the root of your local branch.

  2. Create a Python virtual environment. The following command creates a virtual environment named venv.

    python -m venv venv

  3. Activate the virtual environment.

    source venv/bin/activate

  4. Move to the /src directory and install dependencies, inclduing the ubkg-api package.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Run to start the local instance of the API.


In PyCharm

  1. Create a new project based on a local clone of hs-ontology-api. PyCharm should establish a virtual environment.
  2. Use the Python Packages tab to install the packages listed in requirements.txt.
  3. In the Terminal window, run
  4. Note that you may need to enable execute permissions on the script before you can run it locally--e.g., with a command like chmod 777

URL testing

Once you have connected your instance of hs-ontology-api to instances of both neo4j and ubkg-api, run the following tests:

  1. Paste the root endpoint URL into a browser window--e.g., You should see a window with the status message Hello! This is UBKG-API service :). The status message verifies that your local instance of hs-ontology-api is connected to an instance of ubkg-api.
  2. Add to the root endpoint URL to execute a known endpoint--e.g., You should see a response from either the hs-ontology-api or the ubkg-api, depending on the endpoint and your development configuration.
  3. If you are only testing hs-ontology-api endpoints and using the PyPi install of ubkg-api, calls to endpoints managed by the ubkg-api will fail with a 500 error. To test endpoints from both hs-ontology-api and ubkg-api, you will need a local instance of ubkg-api that connects to the same instance of neo4j that the instance of hs-ontology-api connects to.

Various methods of testing endpoint URLs are possible, including:

  1. curl, from either the command line or a shell script
  2. Requests in Postman
  3. A Python script using Requests or pytest
  4. Executing directly in the browser. This method is suitable for GET endpoints.

Adding new endpoints

Each endpoint in hs-ontology-api involves:

  • One or more functions in the functional script ( The usual use case is a parameterized function that prepares a Cypher query against the target neo4j instance.
  • a controller script in the routes path that registers a BluePrint route in Flask and links a route to a function in the functional script.
  • a model script in the models path that describes the class that corresponds to the response of the endpoint.


Create a model script

The model script is a class that defines the response for the endpoint.

File path

Create the script in the models path.

Class method

  1. __init__: For every key that is returned,
    1. List as a parameter.
    2. Declare the type in the self.openapi_types dictionary.
    3. Declare the mapping in the self.attribute_map dictionary.
    4. Declare an internal property of the class to match the key.

For example, for a string value with key approved_symbol,

       self.openapi_types = {
            'approved_symbol': str
        self.attribute_map = {
            'approved_symbol': 'approved_symbol',
        self._approved_symbol = approved_symbol
  1. Add serialize and from_dict methods that refer to the returned key/value pairs. Override the return type of the from_dict to point to the model class.

The following code is from the GeneDetail model class in genedetail.

    def serialize(self):
        return {
            "approved_symbol": self._approved_symbol

    def from_dict(cls, dikt) -> 'GeneDetail':
        """Returns the dict as a model

        :param dikt: A dict.
        :type: dict
        :return: The GeneDetail of this GeneDetail
        :rtype: GeneDetail
        return util.deserialize_model(dikt, cls)
  1. For each key in the response, define getter and setter functions.
   def approved_symbol(self):
        return self.approved_symbol

    def approved_symbol(self, approved_symbol):
        self._approved_symbol = approved_symbol

Add functional script code to

The script contains endpoint-related functions. The usual use case is a parameterized Cypher query.

Naming convention

  1. For functions called directly from controllers, name the function with format model_method_logic. For example, the function that satisfies the POST method for the genedetail controller would be called genedetail_post_logic.
  2. Subfunctions called by main functions should be prefixed with an underscore.

Loading large Cypher queries

If the Cypher query used by an endpoint function is complex, store an annotated copy of the query in the cypher directory.


The methods for returning to GET requests and POST requests are slightly different. You should be able to find examples of either type of function.

Loading Cypher query strings

Large or complex Cypher query strings can be stored in files in the cypher directory and loaded using the loadquerystring function in the script.

Following is the excerpt from that loads the large Cypher query string used for the genes endpoint.

   from hs_ontology_api.cypher.util_query import loadquerystring

   # Load query string.
   queryfile = 'genedetail.cypher'
   query = loadquerystring(queryfile)

Nested objects

If your response body is to contain nested objects, you will need to create models for each type of sub-object. The containing model script will need to import the sub-object models.

For an example, review

Build a controller script

File path

Create a Python package in the routes path.

Define Blueprint

Define a Blueprint object and route for your endpoint. Follow examples in the existing controllers.

Register your Blueprint


  1. Import your Blueprint.
  2. Register your Blueprint with Flask.

The following snippet registers

from hs_ontology_api.routes.genedetail.genedetail_controller import genedetail_blueprint

Updating SmartAPI documentation

To add the specification for a new endpoint to the SmartAPI documentation for hs-ontology-api, update the file hs-ontology-api-spec.yaml.

hs-ontology-api-spec.yaml conforms to Swagger OpenAPI format.

You will need to specify:

  1. Paths that correspond to your endpoint routes.
  2. Schemas that correspond to the responses from endpoints.