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Releases: ClassiCube/MCGalaxy


08 Jul 10:51
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  • Allow using block names in /lb and /gb commands (e.g. /lb edit, /gb copy, etc)
  • Try to preserve process's raw command line arguments when restarting on Linux
  • Change /compload to also unload the command/plugin first
  • Port forwarding GUI now also has logs panel
  • /pload and /punload output message now also includes name of plugin
  • Plugins can now use CPE message priority to temporarily override and then restore lower priority CPE messages
  • Log which levels have their saving deliberately skipped at shutdown/restart (e.g. due to games)
  • Support 'all processes CPU usage' in /ServerInfo on FreeBSD too
  • /help transform rotate


  • Doing /info [name] when there were over 100 partial matches before an exact match, would still show 'multiple names matched' instead of displaying the information of the exactly matching player
  • Prevent being able to load the same plugin multiple times
  • Changed PlayerDB data lookup on login to be case insensitive when name verification is disabled and the player's name is unverified
  • Some issues occurring when server runs in unsupported mode of having both classicube-account-plus enabled and player name suffixes for login authentication services
  • GUI getting stuck in restart loop when System.Windows.Forms DLL loaded successfully, but System.Drawing DLL failed to load

Minigame related changes:

  • Added: Item for buying doors in Lava Survival
  • Improved: Can now configure collision check interval for Zombie Survival, and slightly reduce default interval
  • Improved: Can now configure collision check interval for Capture the Flag, and slightly reduce default interval
  • Fixed: Opening settings GUI or doing /server reload would cause server main level to get loaded, even when a game that changed main level was running


30 Apr 08:27
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  • Mojang server login authentication support (for Betacraft)


  • /highight now displays how many changes were found (Thanks Goodly)
  • Doing /spawn should always respawn you at level spawn
  • Move /server update to separate /update command
  • Increase summary errors when compiling fails from 2 to 5
  • Allow changing death invulnerability cooldown from default of 1 second
  • /store list output is now paginated
  • /SInfo now includes number of CPU cores in output
  • Kick message for unsupported protocol version now also includes version number


  • Some markdown characters not being escaped for messages sent to Discord
  • Some physics entries wrongly never getting removed from physics list
  • Multiple people changing a block definition at the same time sometimes erroring
  • disabled-command option in not working
  • Messages with over 2000 characters failing to send to Discord
  • Main level should always ignore visit permission restrictions

Map generator related changes:

  • Improved: Allow providing spaces in map gen args to provide multiple arguments
  • Improved: Heightmap map gen theme now uses biome
  • Improved: Flat and space themes now use biome blocks and env
  • Improved: Pixel/empty/rainbow themes now use biome env
  • Fixed: Doing /os map add with two arguments doing nothing


  • Unused destroys chance from LS map settings in GUI


19 Feb 00:51
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Game related changes:

  • Added: LS: /lives command for showing you current number of lives
  • Added: LS: Can now set default round/flood times
  • Added: LS: Items for buying sponges and water blocks
  • Improved: Discord bot shows running games in .who output
  • Improved: Countdown: Can now specify default game speed in config
  • Improved: Countdown: Money is now rewarded for surviving
  • Improved: ZS: Can now configure reward money
  • Improved: LS: Money is now rewarded for surviving
  • Improved: LS: All blocks now burn after a delay when not in Calm mode
  • Improved: LS: Prevent placing blocks near lava spawn by default
  • Improved: LS: Water/lava killable blocks (e.g. log) don't insta-burn in Disturbed mode
  • Improved: LS: Show money and lives left in top right (for CPE clients)
  • Improved: LS: Show message in chat when you lose a life
  • Improved: LS: death cooldown increased to 30 seconds
  • Improved: LS: has sponges automatically disappear after configurable delay
  • Improved: LS: Limit number of water blocks that can be placed
  • Improved: LS: Move layer options to separate section of /ls set
  • Improved: LS: Allow negative layer heights (i.e. allows lava layers from top to bottom of level)
  • Fixed: ZS: Rare issue where when players joined server at very end of round countdown would get added to alive/human list but then subsequently get auto infected
  • Fixed: LS: Sponge/water block not being reverted client-side when insufficient permission to place the block
  • Fixed: LS: Message not showing in chat when layer flooding starts
  • Fixed: LS: Layer flooding not resetting properly when continuing next round on same level

Map generator related changes:

  • Added: Sandy and Plains map gen biomes
  • Improved: Realistic map gen now support biomes
  • Improved: Classic map gen now support biomes
  • Improved: 3D noise map gens now support biomes
  • Improved: Desert biome no longer has water
  • Improved: Biomes can now specify custom tree type
  • Improved: fCraft Hills and Mountains themes now default to Plains biome
  • Fixed: Hell map gen theme sometimes having gaps between levels of lava for very vertically small maps
  • Removed: Checkerboard map gen theme


  • Discord: Strip ** from messages (so that cross-server discord relay channels look nicer)
  • Save all physics checks to .lvl file (not just those with non-zero args)
  • Always show client name in 'player X connected' message (even for non-CPE clients)
  • /tree notch now uses exact same tree generator as original classic
  • Log warning when a command/plugin dll fails to find a DLL it depends on
  • Log how long garbage collection takes


  • Could set CopySlots of a rank to 0 in
  • Couldn't connect to server running on Windows 98 in .NET 2.0 build
  • Economy transaction descriptions showing currency at time of transaction instead of current currency


06 Jan 11:01
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  • LS: Configuration option for flood upwards chance
  • LS: Players can place sponges to stop lava flow (can place up to 10 per round by default)
  • LS: Added item to store for buying another life
  • /copyslot random to allow randomly selecting between used slots
  • GUI: Countdown now appears in Games settings


  • 2D noise map generator themes now support biomes
  • Desert map generator biome now has a Sandstone border
  • Allow providing explicit seed for fCraft map generator
  • Make fCraft map generator ~45% faster
  • Be more consistent in map generation messages
  • LS: Always uses uniform water/lava flow now
  • LS: Show CPE announcement message when 10 seconds or less left until flood starts
  • LS: Flooding lava/water always kills players now
  • LS: Default to 50% chance for flood to destroy blocks
  • LS: /time now shows flood and round time (when LS is running)
  • LS: All items are now enabled by default
  • ZS: All items are now enabled by default
  • Allow like/dislike to be used when any game is running (not just LS or ZS)
  • All games now show an informational message to players upon joining server
  • Allow disabling built-in plugins/modules
  • Don't reload custom commands and plugins anymore when doing /server reload
  • Don't show 'Plugin X was unloaded' at server shutdown
  • Message when can't /cmdset a command due to lacking required permissions
  • GUI: Initial status message is now Starting server (instead of finding URL)


  • fCraft dunes/ice map generator themes not using right default biome
  • LS: Fix flood messages being 4m 59s instead of 5m
  • LS: Fix block/flood type messages not showing when auto going to next level
  • ZS: Items only appear in store when ZS is running now
  • Don't show built-in modules in /plugins anymore
  • Non-200 heartbeat responses not being logged
  • Water flooding from map edges option not behaving correctly


  • Obsolete /top stat by index number
  • Visual Basic compiling support is now an external plugin


07 Dec 12:56
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  • Allow providing reasons for IP bans
  • Allow over 32767 deaths when using SQLite as database backend
  • /whonick output when multiple matching player/bot nicks
  • Discord relay bot logs less messages when disconnected
  • 'multiple matching players/ranks/loaded levels' messages now also include colours
  • Allow using more chat/info/quit commands when frozen


  • Heartbeats being sent even when server fails to start listening
  • Realistic map gen erroring when map height was 4 blocks or less
  • Leaves should still propagate physics checks even when leaf decay is disabled


19 Nov 02:52
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  • ExtEntityTeleport CPE (Thanks Goodly)
  • Allow using ReplaceBrush as a /Brush
  • Grid brush for /Brush (gridlines)
  • disabled-commands option to to allow completely removing built-in commands


  • Support for forwarding user's IP when connecting through a websocket reverse proxy
  • /SetSpawn now tries to avoid changing your current position
  • Make /Notes use paginated output
  • Checkered brush now also supports providing frequencies/weights for blocks
  • Majorly increase default realms limit for admin/owner ranks
  • CTF: Set default Y of spawn and flags to middle of level
  • ZS: Allow turning off a player dying always resulting them in being infected
  • GUI: Change Undo input fieldin Players tab to timespan input
  • Simplify /BlockSpeed command
  • Discord relay bot now refuses to start instead of just logging a warning when lacking required permissions


  • Prevent using /Spawn while a game is running
  • Games couldn't autostart when less than 3 levels were configured/setup


09 Oct 11:42
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  • Gradient brush for /Brush
  • Dithered mode for /ImagePrint (thanks Goodlyay)


  • CLI: Reset color instead of explicitly setting foreground color to white
  • Grayscale Rainbow brush now supports random mode
  • Allow changing perbuild/pervisit of multiple levels at once
  • ZS: Change infect messages to use / instead of {0}/{1}
  • GUI: Avoid duplicate entries in input log, to simplify navigation through input history
  • Allow changing default login/logout message
  • Prevent using /ignore,/afk,/whisper in MBs
  • Prevent using /mi env on levels you can't visit
  • Zones should default to perbuild of level (and perbuildmax)
  • GUI: Split up Messages panel in Chat Settings into Messages and Moderation messages
  • Message non-controller users when they try to run in-game commands from IRC/Discord that they don't have the permission to run them
  • Now can run on bare minimum of mono-runtime (no longer depends on System.Data)
  • Plugins that depend on other plugin DLLs are now better supported
  • Warn when can-mention-everyone is enabled in
  • Try to preserve original file modification date in /server backup ZIPs
  • Keep log file open instead of constantly closing and reopening
  • Don't show useless 'on line 0' in compiler error messages
  • Make /Server backup table work with double/blob columns
  • Don't try to download sqlite DLLs on non-windows
  • /PCreate C# example
  • /Commands help


  • /Cut being affected by the current transform
  • /Transform rotate output having holes
  • /Info of offline players not showing nick
  • Some https:// heartbeat URLs not working with ProtocolError
  • GUI: Unmute and freeze actions in Players tab not working
  • Discord messages with newlines not appearing in-game at all
  • /Server backup .zips can't be added to/edited using Windows Explorer zip support
  • Some obscure MOTDs crashing original classic client
  • On NetBSD, doing /ServerInfo throws IndexOutOfRangeException
  • In the rare case when running on mono with System.Drawing package but not libgdiplus package, /ImagePrint crashes the server
  • Attempt to workaround very rare issue where GUI would crash on Linux
  • Old BlockDB upgrader produced /b entries with modification time being a couple of hours off
  • Old zone migrator sometimes produced 0 block wide zones


  • Dropped support for old password format (obsolete 20 months)

dotnet build

  • Fixed: /Restart not working sometimes
  • Improved: Use ImageSharp library instead for image decoding/resizing
  • Improved: No longer depends on CodeDom library

standalone build

  • Fixed: /Restart not working
  • Fixed: Not loading SSL/TLS certificates on Linux
  • Improved: WIP on updating support


22 Jul 09:32
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  • When verify-names is off, mppass can be used for /pass at login
  • Custom round/infection start countdown time can now be set for ZS


  • Stop using cmdautoload.txt and just autoload all commands in extra/commands/dll folder
  • /punload now supports unloading plugins with spaces in their names
  • /compload now work with plugins too
  • When verify-names is off, you can still reconnect through the server list now
  • Long errors returned by Discord are now truncated
  • Custom Commands GUI no longer hardcodes compilers list for creating commands
  • /baninfoand /rankinfo can now be used in MBs


  • /restart not working with .NET core on Linux
  • /sinfo 'all processes CPU usage' not working on macOS
  • /sinfo 'all processes CPU usage' not working with .NET core on Linux
  • /whitelist disable enabling whitelist instead
  • Very rare case where server would drop out of server list
  • Train gradual movement bias towards 0,0


24 Jun 23:41
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Download MCGalaxy from here


  • Custom network protocol support
  • /Whitelist enable/disable to turn on/off whitelisted only mode
  • Shortcut /br for /Brush


  • /Maze now allows specifying an optional seed argument
  • Inbox now includes message number and slightly offsets message
  • Simplify /sinfo slightly and make its appearance more like /Info
  • /sinfo now shows total number of levels
  • Log when non-existent portals/message blocks are autodeleted from a level
  • Make /FlipHead usable without ZS running
  • Increase default maximum player count from 12 to 16


  • Frozen players not getting /summoned (and /TP, /Portal etc)
  • /sinfo not showing accurate CPU usage
  • /Outline should be usable even if you can't modify the target block
  • Very rare case where Zones would disappear when level was saved
  • Flatgrass map generator generating the grass layer one layer too high
  • /mi env sometimes wrongly showing exponential fog as enabled
  • Discord bot rarely triggering rate limiting and subsequently failing to reconnect
  • Can't compile commands/plugins in .NET core build
  • GUI logging options wrongly being controlled by 'file logging' instead of 'console logging' server option
  • Prevent console from trying to generate levels over 2 GB in size
  • Alts message rarely showing to lower ranked players while hidden
  • Some messages in /Restore and /Museum etc showing plain instead of colored level name
  • IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses not triggering connection spam blocking (note IPv6 support isn't enabled by default)
  • Few minor issues in GUI tooltips
  • GUI not working with mkbundle
  • Make /Time and /Server backup db use yyyy-mm-dd format
  • Auto unloading of levels at game round end still showing a message to staff
  • Bots with ridiculously large model scales (e.g. 3.3 x 10^38) failing to load
  • Discord bot status player count not including hidden players visible to guests


  • Visual Basic documentation in /Compile and /CmdCreate (still supported though)


20 Apr 13:23
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  • Separate Console rank with highest permission level
  • Option to allow banning staff IPs


  • /mark now allows using relative to last marked coordinate too (e.g. /m x~3 y~4 z~-2)
  • /draw cone look
  • Add cone mode for /spheroid
  • Add cylinder to /draw
  • Try to use better fallback block ids when importing custom blocks from .cw files
  • Default rank names (Superop->Admin, Nobody->Owner)
  • More appropriate default rank properties (e.g. operator has more /realm maps)
  • informational text
  • IRC bot default to using port 6697 instead of 6667
  • IRC bot always uses SSL/TLS when connecting on port 6697
  • Change classicgen to use still lava/water instead of active lava/water
  • More accurate 'blocks affected' calculation for /eh and /cylinder
  • Default to flatgrass theme in /gen instead of always requiring a theme
  • /zonemark without a zone name assumes current zone (Thanks Goodly)
  • Make /ops and /admins work with renamed ranks
  • Allow more characters in bot ai/palette names
  • Allow /takeing money from yourself
  • Allow resetting passwords of offline players
  • Fallback IRC nick generation upon nick conflict (now mutates a character instead of complete random name)
  • If two ranks in have same name, try to rename second conflicting rank


  • Changing rank not immediately updating players table in main GUI
  • /cmds shortcuts [modifier] ignoring modifier
  • Allow /limit of 0
  • Prevent trying to save files with invalid windows filename characters
  • Kick messages with system color codes in them not being escaped
  • /abort rarely resulting in ghost block changes
  • /map without arguments now always prints information of current level

Fixes for original Minecraft Classic client

  • Allow # as ~ alternative for relative coords (since ~ can't be entered)
  • Leading whitespace not appearing in chat messages
  • Crashing when receiving a chat message packet that ended with a color code
  • 'Two color codes in a row' appearing incorrectly