Releases: PhotonVision/photonvision
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2024.1.1-beta-3.1...v2024.1.1-beta-3.2
This is the third beta release for the 2024 FRC competition season! A lot has changed since 2023, so take a look at the PRs merged below, and changes since 2023.4.2. Our docs (still being updated for 2024) have general installation and debugging instructions.
We want to thank everyone who contributed to PhotonVision in any way. This is a volunteer-run project, and community code contributions, beta testing, and feedback have been invaluable in making PhotonVision what it is. We’re always trying to improve, so if you have any issues or questions, please let us know on Chief Delphi or our Discord. In particular, say hello to everyone who's contributed for the first time since our last release!
- @superpenguin612 made their first contribution in #994
Known issues
- PhotonPoseEstimator's estimated pose has different origin depending on number of tags in view #991 (fixed in latest dev)
What's Changed
- Bump opencv to fix cross-compile rpath by @mcm001 in #992
- Bump wpilib to beta-3 by @mcm001 in #998
- [photon-lib] Make PhotonPoseEstimator coprocessor multitag result relative to tag layout origin by @amquake in #997
- Check if WS is closing before sending message by @mcm001 in #993
- Add StickyFPS quirk to disable setting first video mode on boot by @superpenguin612 in #994
- Fix trailing quotes in readme by @mcm001 in #990
Full Changelog: v2024.1.1-beta-1...v2024.1.1-beta-3
This is the second beta release for the 2024 FRC competition season! A lot has changed since 2023, so take a look at the PRs merged below, and changes since 2023.4.2. Our docs (still being updated for 2024) have general installation and debugging instructions.
We want to thank everyone who contributed to PhotonVision in any way. This is a volunteer-run project, and community code contributions, beta testing, and feedback have been invaluable in making PhotonVision what it is. We’re always trying to improve, so if you have any issues or questions, please let us know on Chief Delphi or our Discord. In particular, say hello to everyone who's contributed for the first time since our last release!
- @superpenguin612 made their first contribution in #994
Known issues
- PhotonPoseEstimator's estimated pose has different origin depending on number of tags in view #991 (fixed in latest dev)
What's Changed
- Bump opencv to fix cross-compile rpath by @mcm001 in #992
- Bump wpilib to beta-3 by @mcm001 in #998
- Check if WS is closing before sending message by @mcm001 in #993
- Add StickyFPS quirk to disable setting first video mode on boot by @superpenguin612 in #994
- Fix trailing quotes in readme by @mcm001 in #990
Full Changelog: v2024.1.1-beta-1...v2024.1.1-beta-2
This is the first beta release for the 2024 FRC competition season! A lot has changed since 2023, so take a look at the PRs merged below. Our docs (still being updated for 2024) have general installation and debugging instructions.
We want to thank everyone who contributed to PhotonVision in any way. This is a volunteer-run project, and community code contributions, beta testing, and feedback have been invaluable in making PhotonVision what it is. We’re always trying to improve, so if you have any issues or questions, please let us know on Chief Delphi or our Discord. In particular, say hello to everyone who's contributed for the first time since our last release!
- @mvog2501 made their first contribution in #814
- @person4268 made their first contribution in #839
- @megalinee made their first contribution in #840
- @StephenDay1 made their first contribution in #829
- @fovea1959 made their first contribution in #764
- @crschardt made their first contribution in #891
- @rzblue made their first contribution in #901
Known issues
- Cross-compiled builds (so all aarch64/arm32 builds) have incorrect OpenCV rpaths. This breaks Photon pi image, arm32, and aarc64 builds. This is fixed in beta-2.
Major changes
- Add SQL config manager by @mcm001 in #818
- Run multitag on coprocessor by @mcm001 in #816
- Re-enable ArUco by @amquake in #916 and @srimanachanta in #981
- Add 36h11 tag model for 2024 by @mcm001 in #951
- Allow arbitrary networktables address by @fovea1959 in #764
- [photonlib] Simulation Overhaul by @amquake in #742
- [photonlib] Simulation Visualization Update by @amquake in #895
Other Changes
Full Changelog: v2023.4.2...v2024.1.1-beta-1
- Fix typo in calibration message by @mvog2501 in #814
- Bump wpilib to 2023.4.2 by @mcm001 in #815
- Save ConfigManager to disk on JVM exit by @mcm001 in #821
- Add checks for null in NTDataPublisher by @mcm001 in #820
- Properly assign camera index when connecting new camera by @mcm001 in #819
- Add missing PhotonCamera::GetCameraName impl by @auscompgeek in #844
- Vendor fonts for offline usage by @person4268 in #839
- Added ability to construct PhotonPoseEstimator without a PhotonCamera instance by @megalinee in #840
- Removd licence year from file licence header by @srimanachanta in #841
- Remove ErodeDilate from UI and ColoredShapePipeline by @StephenDay1 in #829
- Ignored cameras regex command-line arg (+bump spotless version) by @person4268 in #849
- Change wpiformat CD to match wpilib (Replaces #848) by @srimanachanta in #858
- [PhotonClient] Update dependencies to latest, update assets, and styling fixes by @srimanachanta in #767
- Update vue-router to use HTML5 history by @srimanachanta in #856
- [PhotonPoseEstimator] Check for CalibData before adding Tags when using SolvePNP method by @srimanachanta in #826
- Add checking of current and requested video_mode by @mcm001 in #859
- [PhotonClient] Fix misc bugs and dataflow errors by @srimanachanta in #861
- Don't add bad corners to multi-tag solution by @mcm001 in #817
- Fix bug in DriverStation::reportError usage by @srimanachanta in #869
- Windows EOL spotless fix by @amquake in #875
- Update backend to provide more useful info to frontend by @srimanachanta in #866
- Revert "Add checking of current and requested video_mode (#859)" by @srimanachanta in #887
- Install JRE instead of JDK in install script by @mcm001 in #883
- [photonlib] Simulation robustness by @amquake in #874
- Disable Mac photonlib builds by @mcm001 in #889
- Use correct java package name in by @crschardt in #891
- Add photon-sever/lib to .gitignore by @srimanachanta in #890
- [PhotonClient] Vite and Typescript complete refactor by @srimanachanta in #884
- Update index.html by @srimanachanta in #897
- Fix frontend spelling of shouldManage by @mcm001 in #898
- Residual fix after #898 by @srimanachanta in #900
- Improve docs for PhotonPoseEstimator by @rzblue in #901
- UI patches by @srimanachanta in #905
- Advanced networking settings by @mcm001 in #899
- Fix messages printed during publish task by @rzblue in #907
- [photon-lib] Fix camera/distortion matrix mixup in C++ by @mcm001 in #909
- Fix spotless divergence for FilterContoursPipe by @rzblue in #908
- Remove casts to double in SetLEDMode and set pipeline by @mdurrani808 in #906
- Use MemAvailable rather than MemFree for metrics by @rzblue in #914
- Add Github Action check to make sure template UI is unchanged by @amquake in #918
- Correctly stringify numbers in textboxes by @srimanachanta in #921
- Pi startup fix by @amquake in #923
- Temp fix to revert to hash URLs by @srimanachanta in #927
- PhotonClient Formatting and Linting CI Fixes by @srimanachanta in #929
- Update Java Simulation Examples by @amquake in #913
- Javalin v5 bump by @srimanachanta in #930
- [readme] Fix java example backlinks by @amquake in #931
- Fix false-positive vision estimation edgecase by @amquake in #932
- [OpenCVHelp] Use correct Rotation3d constructor by @mcm001 in #934
- Remove un-needed NM-dbus dep by @mcm001 in #919
- Make javalinVersion a global variable by @srimanachanta in #942
- Remove unused MathUtils.orthogonalizeRotationMatrix() by @amquake in #944
- Fix function argument types for file upload by @mcm001 in #939
- [photon-client] Fix imports and simplify process of updated pipeline settings in store by @srimanachanta in #946
- [examples] Re-organize simaimandrange by @amquake in #937
- Bump wpilib versions to 2024 beta 1 by @mcm001 in #947
- [photon-core] Code Cleanup, spelling, and grammar by @srimanachanta in #945
- [photon-core] 2D Detection data accuracy by @amquake in #896
- Fix photonlib publish error by @mcm001 in #952
- [photon-core] [2024] Cleanup and document coordinate system conversion by @amquake in #894
- Remove empty tab groups in UI by @mcm001 in #948
- [photon-client] File upload robustness by @srimanachanta in #956
- Take Snapshots from PhotonClient by @srimanachanta in #940
- More carefu...
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2023.4.0...v2023.4.1
New release, now built against wpilib 2023.3.2! If you're using 2023.3.0 no need to reflash; if you're coming from an earlier version, and on a limelight or Pi device, a reflash is probably required (depending on version).
This release brings mulit-tag PNP support! Change the estimation strategy to MULTI_TAG_PNP in your PhotonPoseEstimator to take advantage of this new feature.
Major changes
- Robustify setting pipeline index by @mcm001 in #790
- Multi-tag pnp in robot code by @mcm001 in #787
- Cache pose calculations in PhotonPoseEstimator by @KangarooKoala in #788
Other Changes
- Un-finalize robotToCamera, add getters and setters by @mpatankar6 in #789
- Bump wpilib deps by @mcm001 in #791
- Call correct addCalibration in VisionModule by @mcm001 in #793
- Add ability query camera results outside of PhotonPoseEstimator by @pjreiniger in #786
- PhotonPoseEstimator: Include what you use by @auscompgeek in #795
- PhotonPoseEstimator: Stop manually iterating targets by @auscompgeek in #796
- Create C++ Apriltag example by @mcm001 in #794
- Docs corrections related to PhotonPoseEstimator by @agasser in #804
- Fix calibration NT table in PhotonCamera by @mcm001 in #805
- Deal with IOException by @agasser in #807
- Fix non-checked optional in mulit-tag by @mcm001 in #808
New Contributors
- @mpatankar6 made their first contribution in #789
- @pjreiniger made their first contribution in #786
- @KangarooKoala made their first contribution in #788
Full Changelog: v2023.3.0...v2023.4.0
Major fixes
Fixes issue with v2023.2.2 where LimeLight cameras fail to load camera streams. New major version means you should reflash your LimeLight/Pi! The libcamera driver we built our GPU code against (0.0.3) is different from 2023.2.1 or 2023.2.2, and a reflash is required to get the new Linux libraries. Orange Pi/MiniPC/other people, reflashing is not required.
What's Changed
- Update libphotonlibcamera to target libcamera0.0.3 by @mcm001 in #783
- Fix "raw" vs "rawBytes" in simphotoncamera.h by @mcm001 in #785
Full Changelog: v2023.2.2...v2023.3.0
Major notes
(Breaking) Limelight users will need to offline update to the jar here to fix camera streams not appearing:
Breaking C++ bug fixed, as well as changing pipelines over NT. LimeLight image now has NetworkManager, which was required, but will occasionally fail to boot on some LimeLight devices. Reflashing to older versions of Photon or reflashing LL software is sufficient to recover the device.
Note that connecting to your coprocessor without a DHCP server, and specifically the FRC radio, also connected to your network switch is not a supported (as in we-provide-troubleshooting, not as in does-it-work) configuration. Advanced users can make static IP work without a radio, though!
What's Changed
- Fix publish type in photoncamera by @mcm001 in #760
- photon-lib: Fix C++ sources publish classifier by @auscompgeek in #765
- Add PhotonVersion to sources/headers zip by @mcm001 in #777
- Fix desync between web UI and NT by @mcm001 in #778
- Bump LL image to fix NetworkManager by @mcm001 in #780
New Contributors
- @auscompgeek made their first contribution in #765
Full Changelog: v2023.2.1...v2023.2.2
For Raspberry Pi & LimeLight/Gloworm devices we highly suggest reimaging to improve networking robustness. For all other devices (Orange Pi, Beelink, etc) a offline update is sufficient.
Known issues
- LimeLight fails to boot with new image -- Ethernet lights never start blinking. Working on a fix ASAP
- LimeLight won't take static IP -- due to NetworkManager not running by default. Working on confirming a fix, for now I've taken the LL image down from this release.
- Sometimes, 3d mode can freeze right after calibration. Restarting photon once or changing resolutions after calibration seems to fix this -- still trying to nail down root cause.
Major changes
- Bump pi image version to include networking robustness by @mcm001 in #747
- Switch network management to NetworkManager on Linux by @mcm001 in #738
- Add calibdb upload button by @mcm001 in #735
- Add calibration decimate dropdown by @mcm001 in #739
- Add PhotonPoseEstimator (replacement for RobotPoseEstimator) by @agasser in #734
- Add hostname to CameraPublisher MJPEG stream by @realSaddy in #722
- Bump to wpilib 2023.2.1 by @mcm001 in #741
Other changes
- Add 2023 pics by @mcm001 in #720
- Remove force istestmode in Main by @mcm001 in #723
- [photonlib] Only link to apriltag_shared by @mcm001 in #730
- Delete EigenCore.h by @mdurrani808 in #732
- Add method to clear sim targets by @hadley31 in #733
- [AprilTags] Reduce default iterations to 40 by @mcm001 in #726
- update documentation by @srimanachanta in #740
- Fix #748 - add libopencv-core4.5 for aarch64 systems. by @smoser-frc in #749
New Contributors
- @smoser-frc made their first contribution in #749
Full Changelog: v2023.1.2...v2023.2.1