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team5 meeting #3: 07.11.18

shaked-sapir edited this page Nov 14, 2018 · 12 revisions

Meeting 3 Summary

1. Choosing a subject for the project

The team decided to work on developing features for vocal-aids, two main ideas were suggested:

  1. A vocal-aid that helps people to keep in shape (something similar to google-health), some of the features suggested are:
    • When eating something, the user informs the vocal-aid about what he just ate, and the system automatically searches amount of calories of that food, notices the user about his current daily calories amount...
    • User informs the vocal-aid about his willing to do some yoga, so the system will put a relaxing music in the background, guiding the user with proper breath...
  2. A vocal-aid that helps programmers to program correctly, i.e. helps them to correct/refactoring code at will, writing some text...

Issues to do till 21.11.18:

  1. Each of the team members has to read about one of the following existing vocal-aids:
    • Alexa
    • Cortana
    • Google-Assistant
    • Siri
    • IBM chat-bot each of team members learns one of the vocal-aids and creates a short wiki that sunmmarizes prospects of using the tool.
  2. We have to choose from the two ideas for the project.

2. Working of existing issues and division of new issues between all team members

During the meeting we accomplished some of the existing issues and divided the new ones equally between all of us. As part of this topic, all of us installed the Spartnizer pluggin for eclipse and we used it to spartnize the code.

3. Time spent on each issue

issue no. time spent (in minutes) status(finished/in progress) issue title
17 200 finished tests conform to maven structure
40 in progress move general purpose code to
79 90 finished Define class range using tdd
80 180 finished use tdd to develop a fluent api that represents an arithemtical progression over BigInteger
81 50 finished Refactor use of assertions
83 70 in progress use tdd to define a class that defines a list of pairs of real numbers
89 30 finished Clean all warnings
91 in progress Mark all duplicate issues with the label duplicate; this includes closed issues
93 20 finished remove useless branches
94 in progress Use TDD to develop a function iterables.alternate
96 in progress use TDD to define class angle
97 in progress read material about vocal aids: Siri,Cortana, Alexa, google assistant, IBM chat-bot
101 10 finished Refactor use of assertions in classes Pair, Int
102 10 finished refactor use of assertions in interface forget
103 10 finished refactor use of assertions in enum string
104 in progress search & read material about vocal aids: Siri
105 in progress search & read material about vocal aids: Cortana
106 in progress search & read material about vocal aids: Alexa
107 in progress search & read material about vocal aids: Google Assistant
108 in progress search & read material about vocal aids: IBM chat-bot
109 60 finished clean run of tests
111 90 finished make sure the tests you wrote is spartanized and without warnings
113 25 finished Create meeting summary page in our Wiki