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team5 meeting #8: 3.12.18

shaked-sapir edited this page Dec 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Meeting 8 Summary

We made a meeting in Lior's house, where Lior, Shaked, Or anf Igor have been physically, while Nir and Shalev joined the meeting using "Hangouts" application.

1. Parking project

We started to explore some options for technology:

  • in the section of "web technology", we started to look at Angular, we need to learn it more deeply and also look for other options.
  • in the section of UI and DB: we started to look at JavaFX, where UI and DB can be managed and work together. We need to check for more technologies, compare and decide which one we want to work with.
  • we handeled the issue of "deprecated class Date", replacing it with "Calendar".
  • we thought about some questions to ask Yossi in the evening.

2. Health-care vocal aids:

On this one we decided to request Yossi's permission to work on. Later on this day, Shalev met with Yossi and raised our questions. At last, we decided that Shalev and Shaked will work on this prototype till the end of Sprint1, whereas Nir, Igor, Lior and Or will work on the parking prototype.