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Releases: Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.24.1

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.24.0

10 Apr 16:58
Choose a tag to compare

Requires ACE3.

Optionals :


  • Param.hpp changed.
  • Mission.sqm not changed.
  • Add: Persistent explosive (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Special variable for food (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: EMP affect more electronic (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Tag abandoned vehicles (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Malus when killing surrendered or captive military (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: btc_hideout_cityID in mission.sqf to manually define cities where hideout will spawn (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Update faction list (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Dynamic Groups Init creating players without groups (@mrschick).
  • FIX: Don't propagate chem on object declare has string (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Damage after droping an object while running (@Vdauphin).

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.23.7

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.23.6

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.23.5

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.23.4

30 Jul 12:25
Choose a tag to compare

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.23.3

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.23.2

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.23.1

=BTC= co@30 Hearts & Minds v1.23

01 Feb 17:14
Choose a tag to compare

Requires ACE3.

Optionals :


  • Param.hpp changed.
  • Mission.sqm not changed.
  • Add: Improve class.sqf (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Improve mission.sqf (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Lift keybinds (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: More intel types (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Autorestart at a given hour (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Use hashMap for btc_city_all (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Only team leader can use flag (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Parameter to change tickets lost per death (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Change from mission.sqf the value of reputation level (@Vdauphin ).
  • Add: Use trigger instead of simpleObject for city (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Delay global variable in mission.sqf (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Slot persistence (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Remove parent check for arsenal filter (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Clean up variable of hideout (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Clean up db save (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Use side as key for respawn hashMap (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Slot persistance per player (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Copy and paste inventory from any boxes/vehicles to any objects with inventory (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Restore default inventory of box or vehicles (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Tag on vehicle persist (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Use build in hashMap from A3 for typeOf.sqf (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Vehicle persistant texture (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Mission parameters for prisoner tickets (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Tweak radius of spawn for in house units (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Increase the base number of civilian per type of city (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Change order of param mil house (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Select the power of IED in mission parameters (@SOF-Ice).
  • Add: Possibility to create ACE interaction to change time and weather /!\ only for officers /!\ (@SOF-Ice, @TomDraal).
  • Add: CBA Extended Loadouts (@Vdauphin).