Releases: britzl/defold-orthographic
Orthographic Camera API 3.1.0
NEW: You can now call most camera.* functions without specifying a camera id to get the first camera. This is useful in games where you know there is ever only a single camera.
Orthographic Camera API 3.0.3
FIX: Viewport settings caused a crash if not all of them were defined
Orthographic Camera API 3.0.2
FIX: Set up blend mode and render states even when there is no camera
Orthographic Camera API 3.0.1
FIX: Render GUI outside of camera loop in render script
Orthographic Camera API 3.0.0
BREAKING CHANGE: Removed orthographic/render/helper.lua
option. Shake+recoil offset can still be retrieved using get_offset().
NEW: Camera viewport settings
NEW: Camera render order setting (lower value first)
NEW: Camera list using get_cameras()
Orthographic Camera API 2.11.4
FIX: camera.world_to_screen() was broken when using adjust mode compensation
Orthographic Camera API 2.11.3
FIX: camera.screen_to_world() should not change the z-value
FIX: Type when setting follow offset using a message
Orthographic Camera API 2.11.2
FIX: Issues with the bounds functionality when resizing the window. Thanks @3vilWind !
Orthographic Camera API 2.11.1
FIX: Error when following a game object and dt is 0
Orthographic Camera API 2.11.0
NEW: The camera now shows a warning in the console in debug builds when the orthographic render script isn't used