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6. Robot usage

chronis10 edited this page Aug 21, 2019 · 9 revisions

Robot usage

6.0 Preparation

Step 1

Download the Proteas Rasbian image.

Step 2

Follow the the instruction from the official Raspberry Pi page Instructions using the downloaded image from the previous step and burn the image file to 16GB micro-sd card.

Step 3

Insert the micro-sd card in the Raspberry Pi and power it up.

6.1 Access to the robot

Step 1

Scan your for a WIFI network with SSID"Proteas". The key for the network is "gsoc2019proteas"

Step 2

Open the browser and type the address

Step 3

From here you can choose one of the following options:

  • Connect to Jupyter

  • Handbook

  • Settings

  • Project Informations


6.2 Jupyter usage

From the main menu select Jupyter. In the password prompt insert the password "proteas".From here you can create new Jupyter Python 3 Notebooks or you can edit the available notebooks. The available notebooks covers the basic usage of the robot. Also here you can find and ready for class notebooks with experiments in physics, mathematics, and robotics. For more information's about Jupyter please visit the official Jupyter website also search in YouTube for tutorials on Jupyter.



6.3 Documentation

From the main menu select Documentation. Here you can find a pdf with all the instructions of the robot ( Offline copy of the wiki page).

6.4 Settings

You can reboot or shutdown the robot. In future more setting will be added.

6.5 Jupyter Courses and Examples

In the main page of the Jupyter Notebook you can find Courses and Examples.

