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Grave Backup Commands

Players Command

Command: /graves players

The players command (operator only) tells you which player has grave backups and how many each player has.

List Command

Command: /graves list [page] [player] [recipient]

The list command is how you should interact with the grave backups.

For non-operator players, the list command will simply show them any unclaimed graves they have in the world (color-coded by dimension).

For operators, they will see all backups for the specified player (or themselves, if no player was specified). In addition, it provides buttons to either restore the contents of the grave to the player ([R]) or delete ([D]) the grave backups.

If you want to restore the contents of the grave to another player, you can do so by specifying a recipient. In addition, more information about a grave can be seen by hovering over the coordinates of the grave in the chat.

Note, by default, the delete button only deletes the backup of the grave and does not remove the grave from the world. If you would like it to destroy the grave as well, set destructiveDeleteCommand to true in the config.

Restore & Delete Command

Restore Command: /graves restore <player> <graveid> [recipient] [showlist]

Delete Command: /graves delete <player> <graveid> [showlist] [recipient]

Please use the list command to interact with the grave backups.

Config Commands

Set Config

The set command allows you to set the different config options on either the client or server from the chat. In order to set it on the server, you will need operator privileges.


Here's an example of setting "Enable Graves" to "false":

/graves config set graves false

After "set" you must provide the JSON name of the config option and then the desired value.

Client Options

This convention does change for one option though: "Client Options". In order to add or remove a client option, the format will look like such:

/graves config set clientOptions add graves

This will add "graves" to the Client Options list. If you want to remove "graves" afterwards, simply substitute "add" with "remove":

/graves config set clientOptions remove graves

Client: /graves config set <option> <value|add|remove> [option]

Server: /graves server config set <option> <value|add|remove> [option]

Note: If none of this makes sense, either edit the forgottengraves.json file or use Mod Menu.

Reset Config

The reset command will reset the config to its default values.

Client: /graves config reset

Server: /graves server config reset

Reload Config

The reload command is meant to be used after you have modified the forgottengraves.json file. It will load the new changes into memory.

Client: /graves config reload

Server: /graves server config reload

List Config

The list command sends you a nbt-formatted object containing either your config or the server's config data.

Client: /graves config list

Server: /graves server config list

Sync Config (Server Only)

Requires: Operator

The sync command will cause the issuer's config to replace the server's config.

Server: /graves server config sync