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Ginsm edited this page Dec 14, 2024 · 13 revisions

This page covers the configuration options, their JSON name (used in forgottegraves.json and by the Client Options), and their respective descriptions.

NOTE: This page is out of date and will be updated later on (as of 12/13/2024). Some of the information might be incorrect (defaults), missing, or incomplete. If you have a question about the config please make a new discussion, thank you!

Main Settings

Enable Graves

JSON Name: graves

Default: true

This will prevent Forgotten Graves from placing graves. Your items and experience will be dropped as if Forgotten Graves was not installed.

Grave Coordinates

JSON Name: graveCoordinates

Default: true

This toggles whether a chat message should be sent to the user containing the coordinates of the placed grave.

Grave Retrieval Type

JSON Name: retrievalType

Default: BOTH

This controls the way that graves can be retrieved. There are 3 options:

BREAK - Graves must be broken as if you were breaking a block.

USE - Graves must be retrieved by right-clicking them.

BOTH - Graves can be retrieved by either breaking or right-clicking them.

Grave Drop Type

JSON Name: dropType

Default: EQUIP

This controls the way that items are returned upon retrieval. There are 2 options:

EQUIP - Items will be put back into the inventory, in the same slots as when you originally died, except for Curse of Binding items.

DROP - Items will be dropped on the ground, similar to vanilla behavior.

Sneak Swaps Drop Type

JSON Name: sneakSwapsDropType

Default: true

This setting causes sneaking to switch the drop type momentarily. For example, if your dropType is currently EQUIP and you sneak whilst retrieving a grave, the items will instead DROP on the ground.

Experience Settings

Storage Type

JSON Name: expStorageType

Default: ALL

This controls how much experience is stored inside of graves. There are 3 options:

ALL - All experience levels and points will be stored.

VANILLA - The vanilla equation will be used to determine how much experience should be stored (level * 7).

NONE - No experience will be stored.


JSON Name: percentage

Default: 100

This represents the percentage of experience that should be stored (it can range from 0-100); see Percentage Type.

Percentage Type

JSON Name: percentageType

Default: POINTS

The type of percentage that should be used. Currently there are two types: LEVELS and POINTS.

LEVELS: This will multiply your level by the given percentage, i.e. if you're level 41.73 and have percentage set to 50 the grave will contain 20.86 levels.

POINTS: This will multiply the total amount of experience you have by the percentage, i.e. if you have 3475 experience and percentage set to 50, the grave will contain 1738 experience.


JSON Name: cap

Default: -1

This represents the max amount of experience that can be stored in a grave; see Cap Type.

Cap Type


Default: -1

The type of cap that should be used. Currently there are two types: LEVELS and POINTS.

LEVELS: The cap will affect levels, i.e. if the cap is set to 30 the grave will not store any higher than 30 levels.

POINTS: The cap will affect points, i.e. if the cap is set to 100 the grave will not store any higher than 100 points.

Sink Settings

Sink in Air

JSON Name: sinkInAir

Default: true

Determines whether a grave should sink down to the first block that is not air.

Sink in Water

JSON Name: sinkInWater

Default: true

Determines whether a grave should sink down to the first block that is not water.

Sink in Lava

JSON Name: sinkInLava

Default: false

Determines whether a grave should sink down to the first block that is not lava.

Decay Settings

Decay Enabled

JSON Name: decayEnabled

Default: true

This setting toggles whether natural decay should be enabled; even when the setting is set to false you can still cause graves to decay with decay items.  

Decay Modifier

JSON Name: decayModifier

Default: 60 (0 = disabled)

Range: 0 to 100

This represents the amount of durability (percentage-wise) an item can 'decay' when a grave decays. I've found 80 to be a good value for this setting.

[ Decay Percent ]

Each time a grave decays this feature will attempt to damage your items. The more damaged an item is the quicker it will decay in the grave; and vice versa, less damaged items decay slower.

Decay can be represented as such: decayModifier * itemDamagePercent. Given a decayModifier of 80 an item with 4% damage would only decay by 3.2%. But an item with 60% damage would decay by 48%.

[ Decay Chance ]

There is a 35% chance of an item decaying normally. This can be reduced by the unbreaking enchantment:

Unbreaking I: 26.25% chance

Unbreaking II: 17.5% chance

Unbreaking III: 8.75% chance

Decay Breaks Items

JSON Name: decayBreaksItems

Default: false

This setting causes items to break from the item decay process when enabled. Otherwise, the items will stop decaying at 1 durability and never break.

Decay Robbing

JSON Name: decayBreaksItems

Default: FRESH

This setting allows you to set which stage of decay the graves need to be at before they can be robbed via graveRobbing. Here are the options, in order:


For example, if the setting is set to WEATHERED and grave robbing is enabled, any grave that is WEATHERED or older (in this case, FORGOTTEN) can be robbed by other players.

Server Settings

These settings cannot be handled by the client and are only meant to be set by server administrators. I would recommend checking out the Commands page as well. There are a few commands that will help you manage the server settings without the need for a server restart; and even entirely from within the game itself (if you have Mod Menu installed on the client).

Grave Robbing

JSON Name: graveRobbing

Default: false

This toggles whether players can steal another player's grave.

Stored Graves Amount

JSON Name: storedGravesAmount

Default: 15

Range: 0 to 40

This changes how many graves are backed up; when the amount of backed up graves exceed this amount, the oldest grave backup is removed from storage.

Destructive Delete

JSON Name: destructiveDeleteCommand

Default: false

This changes how the delete command operates. When set to false, you can delete a grave from storage without it being removed from the world. When set to true it will delete the grave from storage and from the world.

OP Override Level

JSON Name: OPOverrideLevel

Default: 4

Range: -1 to 4

This setting controls what operator level a player must have in order to override the grave protection for other players' graves.

Be careful, as setting this to 0 is effectively the same thing as having Grave Robbing enabled.

You can disable this completely by setting the value to -1.

Client Options

JSON Name: clientOptions

Default: []

By default, all settings are handled by the server; this means that any client settings will be ignored entirely. This setting allows you to specify which of the main settings should be handled by the client instead of the server.

This setting expects an array of tags for each setting that you would like the client to handle. For example, if you would like each user to be able to set whether forgotten graves is enabled and if they receive a message containing coordinates:


If you would like to let your players change the drop type as well, you would simply add it to the list:
