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David Hägele edited this page Jan 24, 2023 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the JPlotter wiki!

JPlotter is a 2D scientific plotting library for Java which can be used to create interactive visualizations within the well known AWT/Swing GUI environment. Under the hood it is using OpenGL through the Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL3) allowing for highly efficient plotting of large sets of graphic elements. In this wiki you will find various resources explaing concepts of JPlotter and how to use it in order to create nice visualizations.

JPlotter's Spirit

To express something visually we have a certain geometric language that we can speak and the alphabet of that language consists of a few geometric objects, the main building blocks for visualization so to say. We're going to be a bit bold about this and claim that these objects are points (or rather representations of that 0 dimensional object), lines and area (such as filled polygons).

A scatter plot for example consists of points, a line chart of lines, and a tree map of areas. Of course these objects are not mutually exclusive but can be combined and used for creating all kinds of plots. JPlotter is designed with the freedom in mind to build custom plots by using this alphabet. Therefore it exposes a quite general API. This takes away the convenience of quickly plotting some data in a standard chart of your choice, like ScatterPlot, XYLineGraph, ContourPlot or Histogram. On the other hand it allows for the development of custom plots and sophisticated interactive visualization tools.

In the future, however, JPlotter is going to feature ready to use and customizable standard plots for showcasing and illustrating its capabilities.

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