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Editor behavior

Harry Kakoulidis edited this page Feb 16, 2020 · 1 revision

Show line numbers

Show line numbers of file.

Show line numbers on gutter

Show line numbers on gutter. The above must also be selected for this to work.

Group undo

Will undo actions at a line-by-line basis (else character by character).

Cursor beyond EOF

Allow cursor to move beyond the end of the script.

Cursor beyond EOL

Allow cursor to move beyond the end of each line.

Selection beyond EOL

Allow selections beyond the end of each line.

Enable triple Home & End keys

Enable triple HOME and END keys.

Word wrap

Enable word wrap. Cannot be used with Code Folding.

Persistent blocks

Selected blocks will not be unselected with cursor movements.

Overwrite blocks

Selected blocks will be overwritten when a character is pressed.

Double click line

Double clicking on a line will select it.

Find text at cursor

Allow the default text in the "Find" dialog to be the text under the cursor.

Show special symbols

Show EOL and EOF characters.

Overwrite cursor as block

Selected blocks will be overwritten when a character is pressed.

Disable dragging

Disable dragging selected blocks.

Highlight URLs

Will highlight text in the editor that looks like URLs. Clicking will navigate to them.

Display file extensions in tabs

Displays the extensions of the files opened in the editor. Useful if you often open many files that share the same name with a different extension.

Close tab on double click

Enables closing a file in the editor by double-clicking on it's tab.

Multiline tabs

Whether the tabs of the files in the editor will be displayed in many rows, if all cannot fit in one row.


Characters that set bounds to the selection when double clicking on a word.

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