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Harry Kakoulidis edited this page Feb 16, 2020 · 1 revision

Layouts affect the positioning and sizes of windows in OptiPerl's desktop, and whether or not a single window interface will be used.

You can save as many desktop layouts you want in OptiPerl. The control of the layouts, plus a listing of the saved layouts is in the Windows Menu.

OptiPerl has 4 special layouts used for specific purposes:

  • Run: Invoked when selecting "Run"
  • Debug: Invoked when debugging.
  • Edit: Invoked when pressing the button "Load edit layout" of the Layout toolbar. This toolbar appears only when you have started running or debugging. The edit layout is also loaded when you select "stop debugger".

icon_idea You can customize these layouts. Select each one, modify the windows to your like and select "save layout".

icon_exclaim You must enable the feature Options / Environment / Enable Standard layouts for the above behavior.

  • Last Session. Whenever you exit OptiPerl, the layout is saved as "Last Session". If you also exited which this layout selected, then the next time you open OptiPerl, the last session will be restored.

icon_idea The "enable standard layouts" is selected by default. However you might feel more comfortable and more productive if instead of having a crowded desktop, have common windows open in the background and viewing them only when needed by pressing a shortcut key. For example the Web browser window takes up alot of space; instead have it in the background and whenever you need it press Ctrl-F12 to view it (or assign your own shortcut).

Multiple monitor support

If you are using a computer with more than one monitor, Optiperl can support this. When layouts are saved, the position of windows in all of the monitors are saved, so they are restored correctly. Also most pop-up windows (like find & replace, go to line, etc) will pop-up in the same monitor that the text is being edited in.

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