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IITC Mobile Action Bar Icons

Stefan Breunig edited this page Mar 22, 2013 · 1 revision

Here’s a list of proposed icons so far. Note that the app will use white icons on black background. I can’t change the colors here, so I used the inverted styles.

  • map1 Map
  • sidebar Sidebar (Info)
  • Faction Chat
  • Public Chat
  • Full
  • Compact
  • location Locate
  • reload Reload
  • Print Version
  • Debug

print version/debug probably don’t need an icon. I personally don’t like the circled i icon too much because it’s used so ofter for any kind of information, so it isn’t very expressive.

Icons should be provided in the following sizes with the artwork in white at 80% opacity:

  • mdpi: 32 x 32 pixels (artwork 24 x 24 pixels)
  • hdpi: 48 x 48 pixels (artwork 36 x 36 pixels)
  • xhdpi: 64 x 64 pixels (artwork 48 x 48 pixels)