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breunigs edited this page Mar 22, 2013 · 3 revisions

See for detailed changes.


NoScript: To make the script work whitelist at least these domains: If you want to see the cool font also whitelist


  • Install Tampermonkey.
  • Click install link: install
  • Now beware: a OK/cancel dialog pops up. It does not allow you to cancel the installation. Choose OK to install the script with Tampermonkey.
  • Confirm once again.
  • Reload page.

Note: Tampermonkey is optional. However, it offers auto-update, shows correct version numbers and installing user scripts is much easier. If you have installed the scripts directly into Chrome before, I recommend you switch to Tampermonkey. To do so, uninstall the IITC scripts and click each install link again. Follow the procedure explained above.


  • Download the script: download
  • put it into your user_js folder (that’s ~/.opera/user_js on Unix). If you can’t find it see Opera’s docs.
  • visit opera:config and check UserJavaScriptonHTTPS or click here to take you there.
  • click save on the bottom of the settings page
  • reload the Intel Map, no need to restart Opera

Note: You need to update the scripts manually.