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IITC Mobile Roadmap

Stefan Breunig edited this page Mar 22, 2013 · 1 revision

This list contains all the things that need to be fixed before IITCM can be published and advertised for general use. Click here for a complete list of bugs, feature requests and similar for IITCM.

After reading the goals/non-goals section you can feel free to open feature requests in the normal issue tracker. If you believe an issue is critical for a useful “version 1.0” of IITCM, please add them here as well.


  • #405: provide working back button
  • #406: long pressing a portal should open details for it
  • provide intents, so links to the intel map open in iitcm
  • #409: should automatically geolocate when the app is restarted. Currently this is only done once.
  • #410: searching a location should automatically switch to the map if found
  • long pressing optional layer should toggle them similar to how ctrl+click works on desktop
  • #412 prevent flicker on load


  • #407: nicer icon
  • #408: bug: opening the layer switcher immediately selects OSM Midnight again
  • bug: layer selection does not work, immediately re-selects layer again
  • provide method to see IITC version used by IITCM


  • #411 swiping in from the left/right should switch to the next/previous tab
  • use Android’s action bar instead of providing own buttons
  • need icons for the action bar, see
  • suggested order of importance: Map → Sidebar (Info) → Faction Chat → Public Chat → Full → Compact → Locate → Reload → Print Version → Debug
  • provide easy method for debugging, custom server URL etc.