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sjdeal edited this page Jul 22, 2015 · 1 revision
#! /usr/bin/env python

# (SAND Number: 2010-7675 C) - An example python script
# that demonstrates the use of PyTrilinos to solve a simple 2D Laplace problem
# on the unit square with Dirichlet boundary conditions, capable of parallel
# execution.
# Author: Bill Spotz, Sandia National Laboratories, [email protected]

# I have more than one PyTrilinos installed, so I alter sys.path to ensure I
# import from the one I want.
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, '/Users/wfspotz/Development/Trilinos-dev/MPI/packages/PyTrilinos/src')

# Python module imports
import numpy
import optparse
from math import pi
from PyTrilinos import Epetra, AztecOO

# If pylab (a plotting package) is not installed, then pylab gets assigned to
# None, making it appropriate as a conditional on whether or not to plot the
# results.
    import pylab
except ImportError:
    pylab = None


class Laplace2D:
    Class Laplace2D is designed to solve u_xx + u_yy = 0 on the unit square with
    Dirichlet boundary conditions using standard central differencing.  It can
    be solved in parallel with 1D domain decomposition along lines of constant
    y.  The constructor takes an Epetra.Comm to describe the parallel
    environment; two integers representing the global number of points in the x
    and y directions, and four functions that compute the Dirichlet boundary
    conditions along the four boundaries.  Each function takes a single
    argument, which is a 1D array of coordinates and returns an array of the
    corresponding BC values.

    def __init__(self, comm, nx, ny,
                 bcx0, bcx1, bcy0, bcy1,
        self.__comm   = comm
        self.__nx     = nx
        self.__ny     = ny
        self.__bcx0   = bcx0
        self.__bcx1   = bcx1
        self.__bcy0   = bcy0
        self.__bcy1   = bcy1
        self.__params = None
        self.__rhs    = False
        self.__yMap   = Epetra.Map(self.__ny, 0, self.__comm)

    def constructRowMap(self):
        yElem    = self.__yMap.MyGlobalElements()
        elements = range(yElem[0]*self.__nx, (yElem[-1]+1)*self.__nx)
        self.__rowMap = Epetra.Map(-1, elements, 0, self.__comm)

    def constructCoords(self):
        self.__deltaX = 1.0 / (self.__nx - 1)
        self.__deltaY = 1.0 / (self.__ny - 1)
        # X coordinates are not distributed
        self.__x = numpy.arange(self.__nx) * self.__deltaX
        # Y coordinates are distributed
        self.__y = self.__yMap.MyGlobalElements() * self.__deltaY

    def constructMatrix(self):
        c0 = 2.0/self.__deltaX**2 + 2.0/self.__deltaY**2
        c1 = -1.0/self.__deltaX**2
        c2 = -1.0/self.__deltaY**2
        c3 = ((self.__deltaX + self.__deltaY)/2)**2
        self.__mx    = Epetra.CrsMatrix(Epetra.Copy, self.__rowMap, 5)
        self.__scale = Epetra.Vector(self.__rowMap)
        for gid in self.__rowMap.MyGlobalElements():
            (i,j) = self.gid2ij(gid)
            if (i in (0, self.__nx-1)) or (j in (0, self.__ny-1)):
                indices = [gid]
                values  = [1.0]
                indices = [gid, gid-1, gid+1, gid-self.__nx, gid+self.__nx]
                values  = [c0 , c1   , c1   , c2           , c2           ]
                self.__scale[self.__rowMap.LID(gid)] = c3
            self.__mx.InsertGlobalValues(gid, values, indices)

    def gid2ij(self, gid):
        i = gid % self.__nx
        j = gid / self.__nx
        return (i,j)

    def setParameters(self, params=None):
        if params is None:
            params = {"Solver"  : "GMRES",
                      "Precond" : "Jacobi",
                      "Output"  : 16
        if self.__params is None:
            self.__params = params

    def constructRHS(self):

        Construct the right hand side vector, which is zero for interior points
        and is equal to Dirichlet boundary condition values on the boundaries.
        self.__rhs = Epetra.Vector(self.__rowMap)
        self.__rhs.shape = (len(self.__y), len(self.__x))
        self.__rhs[:, 0] = self.__bcx0(self.__y)
        self.__rhs[:,-1] = self.__bcx1(self.__y)
        if self.__comm.MyPID() == 0:
            self.__rhs[ 0,:] = self.__bcy0(self.__x)
        if self.__comm.MyPID() == self.__comm.NumProc()-1:
            self.__rhs[-1,:] = self.__bcy1(self.__x)

    def solve(self, u, tolerance=1.0e-5):
        Laplace2D.solve(u, tolerance=1.0e-5)

        Solve the 2D Laplace problem.  Argument u is an Epetra.Vector
        constructed using Laplace2D.getRowMap() and filled with values that
        represent the initial guess.  The method returns True if the iterative
        proceedure converged, False otherwise.
        linProb = Epetra.LinearProblem(self.__mx, u, self.__rhs)
        solver = AztecOO.AztecOO(linProb)
        solver.Iterate(self.__nx*self.__ny, tolerance)
        return solver.ScaledResidual() < tolerance

    def getYMap(self):    return self.__yMap
    def getRowMap(self):  return self.__rowMap
    def getX(self):       return self.__x
    def getY(self):       return self.__y
    def getMatrix(self):  return self.__mx
    def getRHS(self):     return self.__rhs
    def getScaling(self): return self.__scale


# Define the Dirichlet boundary condition functions.  Each function takes a
# single argument which is an array of coordinate values and returns an array of
# BC values.

def bcx0(y): return 0.25 * numpy.sin(pi*y)
def bcx1(y): return 1.00 * numpy.sin(pi*y)
def bcy0(x): return 0.50 * numpy.sin(pi*x)
def bcy1(x): return 0.50 * numpy.sin(pi*x)


def main():

    # Parse the command-line options
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("--nx", type="int", dest="nx", default=8,
                      help="Number of global points in x-direction [default 8]")
    parser.add_option("--ny", type="int", dest="ny", default=8,
                      help="Number of global points in y-direction [default 8]")
    parser.add_option("--plot", action="store_true", dest="plot",
                      help="Plot the resulting solution")
    parser.add_option("--text", action="store_true", dest="text",
                      help="Print the resulting solution as text")
    options,args = parser.parse_args()

    # Sanity check
    if not options.plot and not options.text:
        if pylab: options.plot = True
        else:     options.text = True
    if options.plot and not pylab:
        options.plot = False
        options.text = True

    # Construct the problem
    comm = Epetra.PyComm()
    prob = Laplace2D(comm, options.nx, options.ny, bcx0, bcx1, bcy0, bcy1)

    # Construct a solution vector and solve
    u = Epetra.Vector(prob.getRowMap())
    result = prob.solve(u)

    # Send the solution to processor 0
    stdMap   = prob.getRowMap()
    rootMap  = Epetra.Util_Create_Root_Map(stdMap)
    importer = Epetra.Import(rootMap, stdMap)
    uout     = Epetra.Vector(rootMap)
    uout.Import(u, importer, Epetra.Insert)

    # Output on processor 0 only
    if comm.MyPID() == 0:
        uout.shape = (options.nx, options.ny)

        # Print as text, if requested
        if options.text:
            numpy.set_printoptions(precision=2, linewidth=100)
            print "Solution:"
            print uout
        # Plot, if requested
        if options.plot:
            x = prob.getX()
            pylab.plot(x, uout[0,:])

    return (comm, result)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    comm, result = main()
    iAmRoot = comm.MyPID() == 0
    if iAmRoot:
        print "End Result: TEST ",
        if result:
            print "PASSED"
            print "FAILED"

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