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Construct simple linear problem with Tpetra and use with Belos. Include TBB, Pthreads, Thrust options.
Still needs work to couple Ifpack2 to Belos.
// Example: Create an Ifpack2 preconditioner from a Tpetra::CrsMatrix.
#include <Ifpack2_Factory.hpp>
#include <Teuchos_GlobalMPISession.hpp>
#include <Teuchos_oblackholestream.hpp>
#include <Teuchos_TimeMonitor.hpp>
#include <Tpetra_CrsMatrix.hpp>
#include <Tpetra_DefaultPlatform.hpp>
#include <Tpetra_Version.hpp>
#include <iostream>
// The PreconditionerFactory class encapsulates creation of an Ifpack2
// preconditioner (returned as a Tpetra::Operator, rather than an
// Ifpack2::Preconditioner) from a Tpetra::CrsMatrix. Change the
// preconditioner parameters by changing the function that creates a
// ParameterList for Ifpack2. See the Ifpack2 documentation for a
// list and description of the parameters that it accepts.
// We template PreconditionerFactory on the matrix type, rather than
// on the template arguments of Tpetra::CrsMatrix, because CrsMatrix
// has some nice typedefs that let us retrieve those template
// arguments. It's easier to template on one thing than on five
// things!
template<class TpetraMatrixType>
class PreconditionerFactory {
// Fetch the typedefs defined by Tpetra::CrsMatrix.
typedef typename TpetraMatrixType::scalar_type scalar_type;
typedef typename TpetraMatrixType::local_ordinal_type local_ordinal_type;
typedef typename TpetraMatrixType::global_ordinal_type global_ordinal_type;
typedef typename TpetraMatrixType::node_type node_type;
// Making this typedef public lets users of PreconditionerFactory
// get straight to the original template argument.
typedef TpetraMatrixType matrix_type;
// A Tpetra::Operator is an abstraction of a function mapping a
// (Multi)Vector to a (Multi)Vector.
typedef Tpetra::Operator<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type,
global_ordinal_type, node_type> op_type;
// These are just some convenience typedefs.
typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<scalar_type> STS;
typedef typename STS::magnitudeType magnitude_type;
typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<magnitude_type> STM;
// An Ifpack2::Preconditioner is-a Tpetra::Operator. Ifpack2
// creates a Preconditioner object, but users of iterative methods
// want a Tpetra::Operator. That's why create() returns an
// Operator instead of a Preconditioner.
typedef Ifpack2::Preconditioner<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type,
global_ordinal_type, node_type> prec_type;
// The constructor doesn't do anything, since this factory doesn't
// keep any state.
PreconditionerFactory () {}
// Return a ParameterList for asking Ifpack2 to create an ILUT
// incomplete factorization preconditioner with fill level 2, drop
// tolerance 0, and absolute threshold 0.1.
parameterListForIfpack2 () const
using Teuchos::ParameterList;
using Teuchos::parameterList;
using Teuchos::RCP;
// The name of the type of preconditioner to use.
const std::string precondType ("ILUT");
// Ifpack2 expects double-precision arguments here.
const double fillLevel = 2.0;
const double dropTol = 0.0;
const double absThreshold = 0.1;
const bool verbose = true;
const bool debug = false;
RCP<ParameterList> pl = parameterList ("Preconditioner");
pl->set ("Ifpack2::Preconditioner", precondType);
ParameterList precParams ("Ifpack2");
precParams.set ("fact: ilut level-of-fill", fillLevel);
precParams.set ("fact: drop tolerance", dropTol);
precParams.set ("fact: absolute threshold", absThreshold);
pl->set ("Ifpack2", precParams);
return pl;
// Compute and return an Ifpack2 preconditioner.
create (const Teuchos::RCP<const matrix_type>& A,
const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& plist,
std::ostream& out,
std::ostream& err) const
using Teuchos::outArg;
using Teuchos::ParameterList;
using Teuchos::parameterList;
using Teuchos::RCP;
using Teuchos::rcp;
using Teuchos::Time;
using Teuchos::TimeMonitor;
using std::endl;
RCP<Time> initTimer = TimeMonitor::getNewCounter ("Ifpack2::Preconditioner::initialize");
RCP<Time> computeTimer = TimeMonitor::getNewCounter ("Ifpack2::Preconditioner::compute");
RCP<Time> condestTimer = TimeMonitor::getNewCounter ("Ifpack2::Preconditioner::condest");
err << "Creating ILUT preconditioner" << endl
<< "-- Configuring" << endl;
RCP<prec_type> prec;
Ifpack2::Factory factory;
// Get the preconditioner type.
const std::string precName =
plist->get<std::string> ("Ifpack2::Preconditioner");
// Set up the preconditioner of that type.
prec = factory.create (precName, A);
ParameterList ifpack2Params;
if (plist->isSublist ("Ifpack2"))
ifpack2Params = plist->sublist ("Ifpack2");
ifpack2Params.setName ("Ifpack2");
prec->setParameters (ifpack2Params);
err << "-- Initializing" << endl;
TimeMonitor mon (*initTimer);
err << "-- Computing" << endl;
TimeMonitor mon (*computeTimer);
err << "-- Estimating condition number" << endl;
magnitude_type condest = STM::one();
TimeMonitor mon (*condestTimer);
condest = prec->computeCondEst (Ifpack2::Cheap);
return prec;
// Create and return a simple example CrsMatrix.
template<class TpetraMatrixType>
Teuchos::RCP<const TpetraMatrixType>
createMatrix (const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> >& comm,
const Teuchos::RCP<typename TpetraMatrixType::node_type>& node)
using Teuchos::arcp;
using Teuchos::ArrayRCP;
using Teuchos::ArrayView;
using Teuchos::RCP;
using Teuchos::rcp;
using Teuchos::Time;
using Teuchos::TimeMonitor;
using Teuchos::tuple;
typedef TpetraMatrixType matrix_type;
// Fetch the timer for sparse matrix creation.
// If you are using Trilinos 10.6 instead of the development branch
// (10.7), just create a new timer here, and remove the bit in
// main() that creates a timer.
RCP<Time> timer = TimeMonitor::lookupCounter ("Sparse matrix creation");
if (timer.is_null())
timer = TimeMonitor::getNewCounter ("Sparse matrix creation");
// Time the whole scope of this routine, not counting timer lookup.
TimeMonitor monitor (*timer);
// Fetch typedefs from the Tpetra::CrsMatrix.
typedef typename TpetraMatrixType::scalar_type scalar_type;
typedef typename TpetraMatrixType::local_ordinal_type local_ordinal_type;
typedef typename TpetraMatrixType::global_ordinal_type global_ordinal_type;
typedef typename TpetraMatrixType::node_type node_type;
// The type of the Tpetra::Map that describes how the matrix is distributed.
typedef Tpetra::Map<local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, node_type> map_type;
// The global number of rows in the matrix A to create. We scale
// this relative to the number of (MPI) processes, so that no matter
// how many MPI processes you run, every process will have 10 rows.
const Tpetra::global_size_t numGlobalElements = 10 * comm->getSize();
// Construct a Map that puts approximately the same number of
// equations on each processor.
const global_ordinal_type indexBase = 0;
RCP<const map_type > map =
rcp (new map_type (numGlobalElements, indexBase, comm,
Tpetra::GloballyDistributed, node));
// Get update list and the number of equations that this MPI process
// owns.
const size_t numMyElements = map->getNodeNumElements();
ArrayView<const global_ordinal_type> myGlobalElements = map->getNodeElementList();
// NumNz[i] will be the number of nonzero entries for the i-th
// global equation on this MPI process.
ArrayRCP<size_t> NumNz = arcp<size_t> (numMyElements);
// We are building a tridiagonal matrix where each row is (-1 2 -1),
// so we need 2 off-diagonal terms (except for the first and last
// equation).
for (size_t i = 0; i < numMyElements; ++i) {
if (myGlobalElements[i] == 0 || static_cast<Tpetra::global_size_t>(myGlobalElements[i]) == numGlobalElements-1) {
NumNz[i] = 2; // First or last equation
} else {
NumNz[i] = 3;
// Create a Tpetra::Matrix using the Map, with a static allocation
// dictated by NumNz.
RCP<matrix_type> A = rcp (new matrix_type (map, NumNz, Tpetra::StaticProfile));
// We are done with NumNZ; free it.
NumNz = Teuchos::null;
// Add rows one at a time. Off diagonal values will always be -1.
const scalar_type two = static_cast<scalar_type>( 2.0);
const scalar_type negOne = static_cast<scalar_type>(-1.0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numMyElements; i++) {
if (myGlobalElements[i] == 0) {
A->insertGlobalValues (myGlobalElements[i],
tuple (myGlobalElements[i], myGlobalElements[i]+1),
tuple (two, negOne));
else if (static_cast<Tpetra::global_size_t> (myGlobalElements[i]) == numGlobalElements-1) {
A->insertGlobalValues (myGlobalElements[i],
tuple (myGlobalElements[i]-1, myGlobalElements[i]),
tuple (negOne, two));
else {
A->insertGlobalValues (myGlobalElements[i],
tuple (myGlobalElements[i]-1, myGlobalElements[i], myGlobalElements[i]+1),
tuple (negOne, two, negOne));
// Finish up the matrix.
A->fillComplete ();
return A;
template<class NodeType>
example (const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> >& comm,
const Teuchos::RCP<NodeType>& node,
std::ostream& out,
std::ostream& err)
using std::endl;
using Teuchos::ParameterList;
using Teuchos::RCP;
using Teuchos::rcp;
// Print out the Tpetra software version information.
out << Tpetra::version() << endl << endl;
// Set up Tpetra typedefs.
typedef double scalar_type;
typedef int local_ordinal_type;
typedef long global_ordinal_type;
typedef NodeType node_type;
typedef Tpetra::CrsMatrix<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, node_type> matrix_type;
typedef Tpetra::Operator<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, node_type> op_type;
// Create an example sparse matrix.
RCP<const matrix_type> A = createMatrix<matrix_type> (comm, node);
// Create a factory for creating a preconditioner.
PreconditionerFactory<matrix_type> factory;
// ParameterList for creating an Ifpack2 preconditioner.
RCP<ParameterList> plist = factory.parameterListForIfpack2 ();
// Compute the preconditioner using the matrix A.
// The matrix A itself is not modified.
RCP<op_type> Prec = factory.create (A, plist, out, err);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
using std::endl;
using Teuchos::RCP;
using Teuchos::Time;
using Teuchos::TimeMonitor;
Teuchos::oblackholestream blackHole;
Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession (&argc, &argv, &blackHole);
RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm =
typedef Kokkos::DefaultNode::DefaultNodeType node_type;
RCP<node_type> node = Kokkos::DefaultNode::getDefaultNode ();
const int myRank = comm->getRank();
const int numProcs = comm->getSize();
std::ostream& out = (myRank == 0) ? std::cout : blackHole;
std::ostream& err = (myRank == 0) ? std::cerr : blackHole;
// Make a timer for sparse matrix creation.
// If you are using Trilinos 10.6 instead of the development branch
// (10.7), just delete this line of code, and make the other change
// mentioned above.
RCP<Time> sparseMatrixCreationTimer =
TimeMonitor::getNewCounter ("Sparse matrix creation");
// Run the whole example: create the sparse matrix, and compute the preconditioner.
example (comm, node, out, err);
// Summarize global performance timing results, for all timers
// created using TimeMonitor::getNewCounter().
TimeMonitor::summarize (out);
return 0;
ParameterList belosList;
belosList.set( "Block Size", blocksize ); // Blocksize to be used by iterative solver
belosList.set( "Maximum Iterations", maxiters ); // Maximum number of iterations allowed
belosList.set( "Convergence Tolerance", tol ); // Relative convergence tolerance requested
int verbLevel = Belos::Errors + Belos::Warnings;
if (debug) {
verbLevel += Belos::Debug;
if (verbose) {
verbLevel += Belos::TimingDetails + Belos::FinalSummary + Belos::StatusTestDetails;
belosList.set( "Verbosity", verbLevel );
if (verbose) {
if (frequency > 0) {
belosList.set( "Output Frequency", frequency );
// Construct an unpreconditioned linear problem instance.
Belos::LinearProblem<ST,MV,OP> problem( A, X, B );
bool set = problem.setProblem();
if (set == false) {
if (proc_verbose)
std::cout << std::endl << "ERROR: Belos::LinearProblem failed to set up correctly!" << std::endl;
return -1;
// *******************************************************************
// *************Start the block CG iteration***********************
// *******************************************************************
Belos::BlockCGSolMgr<ST,MV,OP> solver( rcp(&problem,false), rcp(&belosList,false) );
// **********Print out information about problem*******************
if (proc_verbose) {
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Dimension of matrix: " << NumGlobalElements << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of right-hand sides: " << numrhs << std::endl;
std::cout << "Block size used by solver: " << blocksize << std::endl;
std::cout << "Max number of CG iterations: " << maxiters << std::endl;
std::cout << "Relative residual tolerance: " << tol << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// Perform solve
Belos::ReturnType ret = solver.solve();
// Compute actual residuals.
bool badRes = false;
std::vector<MT> actual_resids( numrhs );
std::vector<MT> rhs_norm( numrhs );
MultiVector<ST,int> resid(map, numrhs);
OPT::Apply( *A, *X, resid );
MVT::MvAddMv( -one, resid, one, *B, resid );
MVT::MvNorm( resid, actual_resids );
MVT::MvNorm( *B, rhs_norm );
if (proc_verbose) {
std::cout<< "---------- Actual Residuals (normalized) ----------"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
for ( int i=0; i<numrhs; i++) {
MT actRes = actual_resids[i]/rhs_norm[i];
if (proc_verbose) {
std::cout<<"Problem "<<i<<" : \t"<< actRes <<std::endl;
if (actRes > tol) badRes = true;
if (ret!=Belos::Converged || badRes) {
if (proc_verbose) {
std::cout << "\nEnd Result: TEST FAILED" << std::endl;
return -1;
// Default return value
if (proc_verbose) {
std::cout << "\nEnd Result: TEST PASSED" << std::endl;
return 0;
} // end test_bl_cg_hb.cpp
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