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Peptide level filters

Julian Uszkoreit edited this page Mar 6, 2014 · 1 revision

This page shows an overview of filters, which could be applied to peptide level filtering.

For score filtering, see Score Filters.

filter short type explanation
number of PSMs per peptide nr_psms_per_peptide_filter numrical
number of spectra per peptide nr_spectra_per_peptide_filter numerical
Accessions peptide_accessions_filter literal_list filters against the accessions in the list of accessions
Description peptide_description_filter literal_list filters against the description in the list of descriptions
File names peptide_file_list_filter literal_list filters against the file names in which the peptide's PSMs are
Missed cleavages peptide_missed_cleavages_filter numerical
Modifications peptide_modifications_filter modification
Rank peptide_rank_filter numerical filters against the rank, which has to be calculated before
Sequence peptide_sequence_filter literal filters against the amino acid sequence
Source ID peptide_source_id_list_filter literal_list filters against the list of source ID's of the PSMs, not each search engine and peak file combination return valid source IDs!
Spectrum title peptide_spectrum_title_list_filter literal_list filters against the list of spectrum titles of the PSMs
Unique peptide_unique_filter boolean a peptide is considered "unique", if all of its PSMs are unique