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Score Filters

Julian Uszkoreit edited this page Mar 6, 2014 · 3 revisions

Score filters are some of the most important filters in PIA, for example a protein inference usually should only use PSM(-set)s with a (Combined) FDR score below a certain threshold.


On the PSM level, the score filters can be used to filter for all imported scores, probabilities and e-values in each input file (fileID > 0), but also for (Combined) FDR Scores on the overview (fileID = 0).

To apply a score filter on PSM level (also for protein inference), the filter's short name has to start with the prefix psm_score_filter_ followed by the scores internal short name. See the score names for a list of the mostly used score names. To filter e.g. for an X!Tandem expect value, the filter short name must be psm_score_filter_xtandem_expect.

Additionally the PSMs of each input file can be filtered for the "Top Identifications", i.e. the best identifications if a search engine applies more than one PSM to a spectrum. For these "Top Identifications" use the prefix psm_top_identification_filter_ and use the same rules as given for the normal scores.


For score filtering on peptide level, the same rules as for PSMs apply, except the prefix is peptide_score_filter_. Usually this filter is not applied for protein inference.


On the protein level, there is only the ProteinScore, which has the short name protein_score_filter