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How To Install It

Titus Meyer edited this page Apr 28, 2023 · 3 revisions

Automatic Installation

To install this plugin, you just need to clone this repo and run the script:

cd ~
git clone

And you are done!

If the Klipper installation is not in ~/klipper or the moonraker.conf not in ~/printer_data/config/, then they must be specified with the install script:

./klipper_z_calibration/ -k /my-home/my-klipper-directory -m /my-home/my-config/moonraker.conf

If you are using multiple instances of Klipper, use the -n option for the number of instances used:

./klipper_z_calibration/ -n 2

It is safe to run the install script multiple times.

This installer will link the from this directory into the Klipper extras folder, adds this repository to the update manager of Moonraker and finally restarts Moonraker and Klipper.

Manual Installation

For a manual installation, copy the from this repo into the klippy/extras folder of Klipper. Like this:


And restart Klipper (not Firmware restart!) in Mainsail/Fluidd or by:

sudo systemctl restart klipper

Moonraker Update Manager

💡 NEW: The automatic installation with the install script does this step for you now!

It's possible to keep this extension up to date with the Moonraker's update manager by adding this configuration block to the "moonraker.conf" file:

[update_manager z_calibration]
type: git_repo
path: ~/klipper_z_calibration
managed_services: klipper

This requires that you clone this repository into your home directory (e.g. /home/pi):

git clone

And link the plugin into Klipper:

ln -sf ~/klipper_z_calibration/ ~/klipper/klippy/extras/

☝️ NOTE: If you are upgrading from a version prior to 0.9.1, please run the install script again.


To uninstall this plugin run:

~/klipper_z_calibration/ -u

It will remove the plugin from Klipper.

You need to remove the [z_calibration] configuration from Klipper, the [update_manager z_calibration] block from the moonraker.conf and delete the cloned repository:

rm -r ~/klipper_z_calibration