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Titus Meyer edited this page Apr 25, 2023 · 2 revisions
  • A z endstop where the tip of the nozzle drives on a switch (like the standard Voron V1/V2 enstop). It does not work with the virtual pin of the probe as an endstop! It is not necessary to have a Voron printer, but this type of endstop.
  • A magnetic switch based probe at the print head - instead of the standard inductive probe (e.g. this one from Annex, or the popular drop in replacement KlickyProbe with many mounting options)
  • Both, the z endstop and the mag-probe are configured correctly and homing (and QGL/Z-Tilt) are working.
  • The probe has to be configured as normally normally closed contact. Then, macros can detect if the probe is properly attached/released. Additionally, the plugin checks just before every probing if the mag-probe is still attached to the print head - otherwise it will stop!
  • (My previous Klipper macro to compensate for the temperature dependent expansion of the z endstop rod is not needed anymore.)