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mika edited this page Nov 2, 2024 · 4 revisions

File Formats

v1 (.bin)

Original viewer format (custom binary file), used with PointCloudViewerDX11.cs

v2 (.ucpc)

Second version of the viewer format (custom binary file), used with same PointCloudViewerDX11.cs

v3 (.pcroot)

Third version of the viewer format (custom binary tiled format), used with PointCloudViewerTilesDX11.cs



In v3 viewer, the point cloud is split into 3D tiles (3D grid), which allows individual tiles to be hidden when they are too far, or out of view


Same as Tile

Grid cell

Same as Tile

Packed format

V3 tiles viewer allows packing XYZ+RGB data together, if you use External converter:


Mesh Converter

Window/PointCloudTools/PointCloud To MeshConverter, converts point cloud into unity meshes, using point rendering (does not do any mesh reconstruction)

Binary Converter

Window/PointCloudTools/PointCloud To Binary(DX11), converts point cloud into custom binary formats (for faster loading), see v1, v2 and v3 formats.


Binary Viewer

Refers V1, V2 and V3 viewers (since they use custom binary data format)

DX11 Viewer

Refers V1, V2 and V3 viewers (since they use DX11 shaders or features to draw points)