ROS Noetic based projects archive
composed of basic ros features, lidar setup, turtlebot simulation packages
to use any of these following requirements need to be satisfied
build YDLidar SDK guide
build "ydlidar_ros_driver", "ros_naviagtion_turtlebot3", "my_robot_pkg"
move "ydlidar_ros_driver", "ros_naviagtion_turtlebot3", "my_robot_pkg" to your catkin_ws/src and do
troubleshooting also dealt in guide above
configure turtlebot simulation env korean guide link here
- my_robot_pkg : basic features like publsher/subscriber, server/client
- turtlebot3_simulations : simulation config for turtlebot3
- ydlidar : YDLidar G4 model setup for actual SLAM
- hector_slam : hector slam stack for ROS1
ROS Noetic (Ubuntu 20.04) basics
full article : notion link or tstory link