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dcmtk dimse

chin edited this page Jun 19, 2023 · 1 revision


Raccoon-DICOM offers another option for using DIMSE (i.e., DCMTK DIMSE). The following will explain how to enable the DCMTK DIMSE Plugin.

Branch: dcmtk-dimse


  • Disable the DCM4CHE DIMSE in Raccoon.
  • Set the ENABLE_DIMSE environment variable in the .env file to false.

Switch to dcmtk-dimse branch

git checkout dcmtk-dimse

DCMTK DIMSE Configuration

dcmqrscp Configuration File

  • Path: plugins/dcm4raccoon/dcmqrscp.cfg
  • You can copy plugins/dcm4raccoon/dcmqrscp.example.cfg and rename it as dcmqrscp.cfg.

Plugin Configuration File

  • Path: plugins/config.js
module.exports.pluginsConfig = {
    "dcm4raccoon": {
        // Please setup the dcmqrscp config in the plugin's dcmtk folder if needed.
        // Please config the HostTable in dcmqrscp.cfg in order for people to connect.
        enable: true,
        before: false,
        routers: [],
        // this is temp folder for storing files from c-store.
        storepath: "./plugins/dcm4raccoon/dicomFiles/",
        port: 6066
  • If you need to use a different port, you can modify the listening port as needed.


  • Start Raccoon-DICOM as usual.
node server.js