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ICC: November 18, 2022

whittleb edited this page Nov 18, 2022 · 2 revisions


[please add attendees] [indicate Chair, notes]

Amy Blau [Chair] Sarah Goldstein Mirko Hanke Drew Heles Rosie LaFaive Alistair Morrison Bridget Whittle [notes]


Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie) - No update.

  • IR interest group (Don) - Did not meet. Draft request for support for a test site/sandbox from the Foundation if anyone wants to look at it. See IR Slack channel.

  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil or Mirko) - 7 attendees. Planning for documentation sprint or mini sprint. Documenting started site as it is rolled out. Likely in Spring 2023.

  • Code of Conduct Committee (Drew) - Should we include this in future updates? Agreed it should be.

Islandora Events

  • Open meeting planning - Discussion of what can be included and how to adjust the schedule. Who will be attending/filling in various slots among the committee. Determined that the November 29th meeting will start later to allow for people to attend.

Open Meeting Big picture

  • General consensus - shorten to 60-90 minutes, have a regular slot for Leadership or the Board (frequency to be determined), and a standing community feedback slot (can include Q&A/AMA, broader feedback from the community, a working meeting)
  • See if a rota could be set up between committers, TAG, ICC, etc, so that no group has to send someone more than a couple times a year
  • Every so often try to have a more internationally focused meeting to be looked at in future

ICC Roles and Event Planning

  • Discussion about the considerations for the role the ICC plays in the various events and how best to tackle this question
  • Continue to work on developing this in the December meeting

Action Items

  • Notes for next meeting:
  • Amy - conversation with Code of Conduct Committee during this meeting in future
  • Amy - have a set slide deck for Open Meeting
  • Amy - will finalized with Kirsta her availability for the next open meeting
  • Rosie - will send out reminder


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