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ICC:February 24, 2023

amyrb edited this page Feb 28, 2023 · 4 revisions


[please add attendees] [indicate Chair, notes]

(DRAFT) Agenda : joint meeting with Leadership Group

  • Brief presentation to ground discussion? (Kirsta) Presentation Slides
  • Discussion of strategic priorities for 2023 informed by ICC SOAR analysis on Jan 19
    • What are 1-2 top strategic priorities for the Islandora Community for this year?
    • What are our strategic goals for community development of software?
    • How can we connect our strategic goals and priorities with Roadmap development/maintenance? (leading to the next point)
  • Discussion of ideas for possible ICC contributions in Roadmap development
  • Interest Group and Code of Conduct Committee Updates
  • February 28 Open Meeting Planning

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Don)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil or Mirko)

Islandora Events

Action Items

  • Notes for next meeting:


  • Kirsta's overview of Islandora Foundation actions from August 2020 to the present set up context for current work and directions for work in the near future including platform functionality (such as IR, Mirador), documentation work, and administrative decisions around staffing and online camp scheduling and format.
  • Framing discussion question: what does success look like for Islandora?
    • Criteria included platform predictability, more committers; one way to look across many criteria is in terms of community health, which can encompass technical and interpersonal aspects, and let us look for continued engagement and deepening investment of community members in the platform and the community around it.
    • One concern was that lack of an easy migration path is a factor in community health, because it takes away from the ability to be engaged in the Islandora community
  • This meeting discussion shows differences in expectations of Islandora: as a toolkit that lets you do what you want, or as a more centralized set of specific functionalities, that is, as an unopinionated or an opinionated framework.
    • Is it possible to support both visions? It's necessary to grow the user base of the software. Some institutions want one kind, some want the other.
    • A vision of the starter site could be a way to develop more of a community consensus around options.
  • One goal could be coming to a consensus of how opinionated Islandora is, and expanding the documentation that makes that clear.
  • Agreement that documentation about all migration tools and recommended steps for migration would be helpful.

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