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rcruces edited this page Aug 31, 2023 · 1 revision

MICA PET - Positron Emission Tomography Images

Processing workflow for the PET MK-6240 (tau tracer) images.

How to retrieve the data

Use the find_hrrt command at the command line, you'll get better mileage:

cat `which find_hrrt`

if [ "$1" == "-h" ] ; then
   echo "You can provide a string representing the hrrt study to look for!"

/usr/bin/find /hrrt/scans{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33} -maxdepth 1 -name \*$1\*


PET data organization

The raw files obtained from the PET scanner are stored at:


The processed data is stored:


The BIDS is stored:


PET features

The PET images are transformed to NIFTIS from the ECAT (.v) files with dcm2niix. This transformation keeps the data in nano Curies. On the other hand, minc files units are becquerels.


Dimensions: 256 x 256 x 207
Voxel size: 1.21875 x 1.21875 x 1.21875

Unit reference

Bq: Becquerels
nCi: nano Curies
1 nCi = 37 Bq

3D non motion corrected data

  1. TX256.v Linear atenuation map, 4D_MC is corregistered to this image. great for corregistering to MRI!
  2. EM_3D.v 4 frames, 20 minutes of acquisition each one (Bq/cc).
  3. EM_3D_AVG.v average of the four frames (Bq/cc).

4D motion corrected data

  1. EM_4Dfbp_MC01.v Filter Back Projection image. It is the inversion of the radon transformation.
  2. EM_4D_MC01.v 4 frames, 20 minutes of acquisition each one (nCi/cc).
  3. EM_4D_MC01_AVG.v Average of 4 four frames (nCi/cc units).

PET json default info

	"Manufacturer": "Siemens",
	"ManufacturersModelName": "328",
	"ProcedureStepDescription": "unknown",
	"ProtocolName": "HC10-MK-HRRT",
	"SeriesNumber": 1,
	"ImageComments": "F-18",
	"IsotopeHalfLife": 6588,
	"Dosage": 370,
	"RepetitionTime": 300,
	"ReconMatrixPE": 256

PET processing

The functions to process the PET data can be found under the mica-pet GitHub repository. The processing workflow consists in two steps, a transformation from ECAT to NIFTI, and a set of registrations to the T1nativepro space and the to the surface.

  1. dcm2niix
  2. fslmaths -Tmean compute average of EM_4D_MC01.v
  3. PET to T1 registration
  • PET to native MRI space (ANTs)
  • PET to Freesurface (surface) space (bbreg)

From PET raw data to T1nativepro space

Normalize PET and projects it to the surface

PET processing workflow


Specification of BIDS conform PET data.

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