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Event: BlockLandingPad

ShadowDoctorK edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

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Event Information

[Alice Event] This event is triggered when you are blocking the Landing Pad of a station. It has three stages, Warning, Minor Charge, and Major Charge. Warning is the first stage where you are warned to move. Shortly after the warning you will be fined (Minor Charge) for continuing to block the Landing Pad. Finally you will be fired upon and the station will turn hostile towards you (Major Charge).

Event Trigger & Variables

Create a command named "EVENT - BlockLandingPad" for the Project A.L.I.C.E plug-in to trigger once the event is processed.

The following variables are populated for use:

  • BlockLandingPad_Violation The severity of the violation, Warning, Minor or Major charge.
  • BlockLandingPad_Station The name of the Station.
  • BlockLandingPad_Faction The faction issuing the charge.
  • BlockLandingPad_Charge The charge type, Fine or Bounty.
  • BlockLandingPad_Amount The amount in credit being charged.