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Event: CommunityGoal

Dryheat4u edited this page Apr 14, 2019 · 4 revisions

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Event Information

[Game Event] This event is triggered when loading into the game if you have registered for a community goal.

Event Trigger & Variables

Create a command named "EVENT - CommunityGoal" for the Project A.L.I.C.E plug-in to trigger once the event is processed.

The following variables are populated for use:

No Variables Yet! Be Patient...

Journal Entry Example

{ "timestamp":"2018-10-28T18:45:50Z", "event":"CommunityGoal", "CurrentGoals":[ { "CGID":544, "Title":"Senator Appeals for Aid", "SystemName":"Niflhel", "MarketName":"Biruni Port", "Expiry":"2018-11-01T15:00:00Z", "IsComplete":false, "CurrentTotal":2666596, "PlayerContribution":0, "NumContributors":1250, "TopTier":{ "Name":"Tier 8", "Bonus":"" }, "TopRankSize":10, "PlayerInTopRank":false, "TierReached":"Tier 3", "PlayerPercentileBand":100, "Bonus":300000 }, { "CGID":545, "Title":"Defending Trade in Niflhel", "SystemName":"Niflhel", "MarketName":"Biruni Port", "Expiry":"2018-11-01T15:00:00Z", "IsComplete":false, "CurrentTotal":14515558851, "PlayerContribution":0, "NumContributors":2222, "TopTier":{ "Name":"Tier 8", "Bonus":"" }, "TopRankSize":10, "PlayerInTopRank":false, "TierReached":"Tier 4", "PlayerPercentileBand":100, "Bonus":400000 } ] }