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Setting up a simulation

Ricardo Torres edited this page May 23, 2023 · 3 revisions


To compile the main code and its libraries:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Set up an MPI environment. On Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS, a yum install mpich provides the mpich environment which can be loaded with module load mpi/mpich-x86_64.
  3. Change directory within which you have downloaded FVCOM and untar the code.
  4. Enter the FVCOM_source directory.
  5. Edit the file to enable/disable different functionality e.g. wetting/drying to suit your requirements.
  6. Change the TOPDIR variable to the path you are currently in (i.e. the output of the pwd Linux command).
  7. Enter the libs subdirectory.
  8. Type make and wait for the compilation to complete.
  9. Change back to the parent FVCOM_source directory.
  10. Type make and wait for the compilation to complete.
  11. Copy the fvcom binary to the your model input directory and change into that directory.
  12. Launch the model with mpirun:
    mpirun -n $num_proc fvcom --casename test --dbg=0 --logfile=fvcom.log

where $num_proc is the number of processors.

The file contains a series of environment variables which may be of interest, specifically compiler options. See lines 463-469. For gfortran, the following environment variables in work for Fedora.

#  MPIF90/GFORTRAN Compiler Definitions (PML)
         CPP      = cpp
         FC       = mpif90
         DEBFLGS  =
         OPT      = -O3 -L/usr/lib64/mpich-x86_64/lib -I/usr/include/mpich-x86_64 -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules/
         CLIB     =
         CC       = mpicc

For our current HPC setup with Intel Fortran installed we use

#  Intel/MPI Compiler Definitions (PML)
         CPP      = mpiicc -E
         FC       = mpiifort
         DEBFLGS  = -profile-functions -profile-loops=All 
         OPT      = -O3 -L/gpfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/lib -I/gpfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/include/ -xHost #-init=zero -init=arrays -ftrapuv
         CLIB     =
         CC       = mpiicc
         CFLAGS   =

Our debug options are:

#  Intel/MPI Compiler Definitions (PML) Debugging
         CPP      = mpiicc -E
         CPPFLAGS = $(DEF_FLAGS) -P -traditional -DINTEL CPPMACH=-DNOGUI -I/gpfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/include/
         FC       = mpiifort
         DEBFLGS  =  -g -traceback -warn -nofor_main -fp-model precise -traceback -fpe0 -keep
         OPT      =  -O0 -I/gpfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/include/
         OILIB   = -L/gpfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mkl/lib/em64t -Wl,-rpath=/gpfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mkl/lib/em64t -i-static -L/gpfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/lib -lmpi -libverbs 

If a serial compilation is required the options, using Intel fortran compiler are:

#  Intel Compiler Definitions (PML) Serial debugging
         CPP      = icc
         CPPFLAGS = $(DEF_FLAGS) 
         FC       = ifort
         DEBFLGS  =  -g -traceback -warn -nofor_main -fp-model precise -traceback -fpe0 -keep
         OPT      =  -O0 
         OILIB   = -L/gpfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mkl/lib/em64t -Wl,-rpath=/gpfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mkl/lib/em64t 


Or a more simple version,

         CPP      = cpp
         CPPFLAGS = $(DEF_FLAGS)
         FC       = ifort
         DEBFLGS  =  -g -traceback -warn
         OPT      =  -O0
         OILIB   =

For some reason, mpiifort installation in our HPC doesn't show lines when hitting segmentation fault errors. The only way we have managed to get some information of value is when using a serial compilation. One can also use the gnu debugger gdb as : gdb --args ./bin/fvcom --casename=tapas_v0

Non-hydrostatic and semi-implicit FVCOM


For non-hydrostatic, semi-implicit, data assimilation, Kalman filters and wave-current interaction, FVCOM requires PETSc and HYPRE. FVCOM is written against version 2.3.3 of the PETSc library; PETSc version 3.x will not work with FVCOM. In turn, PETSc depends on HYPRE, and we have had success using HYPRE version 2.0.0.


In your, add a new section after the TOPDIR declaration, which includes two new variables:

#  PETSC library locations (for non-hydrostatic/semi-implicit/data assimilation)
            PETSC_LIB     =  -L$(PETSC_DIR)/lib/linux-gnu-intel/
            PETSC_FC_INCLUDES =  -I$(PETSC_DIR) -I$(PETSC_DIR)/bmake/$(PETSC_ARCH) -I$(PETSC_DIR)/include

Ensure that your PETSc installation sets the PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH environment variables as the root of your PETSc installation (if you compiled PETSc yourself, PETSC_DIR is the path you specified with the --prefix in If PETSC_ARCH is undefined, you should be able to identify valid values by looking in $PETSC_DIR/lib/; valid values will be the names of the directories in that directory.

Then, for non-hydrostaic, edit your to uncomment the FLAG_30 = -DNH line and the include $(PETSC_DIR)/bmake/common/variables below as well as the FLAG_9 = -DSEMI_IMPLICIT line. For other options (non-hydrostatic, semi-implicit, data assimilation, Kalman filters and wave-current interaction), uncomment the relevant FLAGs.

Finally, append the PETSC_LIB and PETSC_FC_INCLUDES variables to the LIBS and INCLUDES definitions at the end of

            LIBS  = $(LIBDIR) $(CLIB)  $(PARLIB) $(IOLIBS)  $(DTLIBS)\
            $(MPILIB) $(GOTMLIB) $(KFLIB) $(BIOLIB) \

            INCS  =     $(INCDIR) $(IOINCS) $(GOTMINCS) $(BIOINCS)\
             $(VISITINCPATH) $(PROJINCS) $(DTINCS) \

To compile FVCOM, type make as usual.


Installation guidance for GOTM can be found on the

These instructions assume you are using the Intel Fortran compiler (ifort).

  • Download and extract the GOTM archive, following the instructions at the website above.
  • Open a terminal window and change directory into the GOTM source code and type the following:
    export NETCDFINC=/YOUR/FVCOM/LIBS/DIR/libs/install/include
    export NETCDFLIBNAME=/YOUR/FVCOM/LIBS/DIR/libs/install/lib/libnetcdf.a
    export GOTMDIR=$(pwd)/gotm-4.0.0
    cd src

Replace /YOUR/FVCOM/LIBS/DIR with the value of $TOPDIR in the main FVCOM

  • This should generate output similar to that described on the website above, and an executable file called gotm_prod_IFORT
  • Test your GOTM build by downloading and running a test case from the GOTM website.

To link GOTM with FVCOM, you will need to make the following changes to your FVCOM

    FLAG_11 = -DGOTM
    GOTMLIB       = -L/YOUR/GOTM/DIR/gotm-4.0.0/lib/IFORT/ -lturbulence_prod -lutil_prod -lmeanflow_prod
    GOTMINCS      = -I/YOUR/GOTM/DIR/gotm-4.0.0/modules/IFORT/

As before, adjust /YOUR/GOTM/DIR/ with the directory which contains the GOTM build.

Set the following option in your .nml file:

    BOTTOM_ROUGHNESS_TYPE           = 'gotm'

And finally, include your GOTM inputs in a file casename_gotmturb.inp, in the same directory as your other FVCOM inputs.


FVCOM-FABM enables access to a range of biogeochemical models that are currently included within the FABM repository.

To build FVCOM-FABM, you first compile FABM and then link FVCOM to it. To download the FVCOM-FABM code, download the FABM-ERSEM branch from the UK-FVCOM group GitHub repository.


  1. Download FABM from
  2. Extract the FABM source code (the example code below extracts the code to $HOME/Code/fabm/src)
  3. If you want to use FVCOM-FABM with ERSEM, download the stable code and extract the source code (the example code below extracts the code to $HOME/Code/ersem)
  4. Make sure you have CMake 2.8.8 or higher installed.
  5. Compile FABM:
cd $HOME/Code/fabm/src
mkdir build
cd build
cmake $HOME/Code/fabm/src -DFABM_HOST=fvcom -DFABM_ERSEM_BASE=$HOME/Code/ersem -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=$(which mpif90)
make install

Omit the -DFABM_ERSEM_BASE=... switch if you are not using ERSEM.

To enable a debugging build, change the cmake command to the following:

cmake $HOME/Code/fabm/src -DFABM_HOST=fvcom -DFABM_ERSEM_BASE=$HOME/Code/ersem -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=$(which mpif90) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG="-g -traceback -check all"

In the above, the value of -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG is specific to the Intel Fortran compiler; if you use another compiler, replace it with flags appropriate for debugging with that compiler.

By default, FABM is built with double precision. This is appropriate if you are using the flag -DDOUBLE_PRECISION when you compile FVCOM. If you intend to use single precision instead, you need to add -DFABM_REAL_KIND='SELECTED_REAL_KIND(6)' in the call to cmake.

FVCOM with FABM support

To compile FVCOM with FABM support, edit the FLAG_25 as follows and compile FVCOM as normal. If you have installed FABM to a custom location, adjust the BIOLIB and BIOINCS paths as necessary.

            # Online configuration
            FLAG_25 = -DFABM
            BIOLIB       = -L$(HOME)/local/fabm/fvcom/lib -lfabm
            BIOINCS      = -I$(HOME)/local/fabm/fvcom/include

To enable offline FVCOM-ERSEM runs, change FLAG_25 to -DFABM -DOFFLINE_FABM.

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