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International FVCOM Workshops

2nd International FVCOM Workshop - Bedford October 2015

  • Three day workshop. The Agenda can be downloaded {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:fvcom_workshop_agenda_oct19.pdf|here}}.
  • The abstracts can be found {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:fvcom_2015_abstracts-final.pdf|here}}.
  • The presentations from those who agreed to have them made publically available can be found below.

| Presenter | Title | Notes | | Claudia Hinrichs [email protected] | {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:hinrichs.pdf|Great South Bay Modeling}} | | | Andry Ratsimandresy [email protected] | {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:20151017_fvcom_ratsimandresy.pdf|Circulation in the Coast of Bays of Newfoundland: the role of tides, wind, and water structure}} | | | Mark Rowe [email protected] | {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:rowe_fvcomworkshop10202015_04.pdf|Simulation of the vertical distribution of buoyant Microcystis colonies in an FVCOM offline Lagrangian particle model for short-term forecasts of harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie}} | | | Katie Coupland [email protected] | {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:seanet_poster_fvcom.pdf|What makes a productive oyster? A preliminary modeling study of the Damariscotta River Estuary with the Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture Network (SEANET)}} | | | Blake Clark [email protected] | {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:fvcom_workshop_black_post.pdf|Three dimensional modelling of a Chesapeake Bay tidal marsh-­estuary ecosystem}} | | |David Greenberg [email protected] | {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:fvcom2015_dgreenberg.pdf|The pathways of long period and steady state barotropic flows through the Arctic Archipelago}} | | |Karsten A. Lettmann [email protected] | {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:fvcom_workshop_2015_vibrio.pdf|Modelling the seasonal occurrence and distribution of human-pathogenic bacteria within the German Bight, southern North Sea}} | | |Ricardo Torres [email protected] | {{:overview:workshop_bedford_2015:fvcom2015_rtorres.pdf|Coupling FVCOM with FABM: Multiplying the choice of Marine Ecosystem models within FVCOM}} | | | Lianyuan Zheng, University of South Florida, St. Pertersburg, FL, USA, [email protected] | A High Resolution Tampa Bay and Vicinity Circulation Model with Applications to Salt Balance, Flushing and Tracking | Contact the author directly for the presentation | | Lianyuan Zheng, University of South Florida, St. Pertersburg, FL, USA, [email protected] | An Automated, Northeast Gulf of Mexico Nowcast/Forecast Model, with HABs, Fisheries and DWH Oil Spill Applications | Contact the author directly for the presentation | | Jared McKnight, Universty of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, [email protected] | A High Resolution Hydrodynamics Model of the Duplin River Estuary, Sapelo Island GA|Contact the author directly for the presentation | | Yuxing Wang, National Marine Hazard Mitigation Service, Beijing, China, [email protected] | Impacts of Wind Field Correction on the Numerical Simulation of "Rammasun" Storm Surge Inundation | Contact the author directly for the presentation | | Rachel Horwitz, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, [email protected] | Connecticut River freshwater pathways through Long Island Sound | Contact the author directly for the presentation|

UK FVCOM Workshops

This section outlines the discussions which took place at each UK FVCOM Workshop and who was there.

1st Workshop - Liverpool 2011

  • NOCL and PML present.
  • First time the FVCOM code was in the UK following Ricardo Torres' visit to Chen's laboratory.

2nd Workshop - Plymouth 2012

  • Two half days.
  • People from PML, SAMS and NOCL present.
  • Focused on identifying problems with generating input files.
  • Discussed how best to coordinate collaborations between the three institutes present.
  • Set up this wiki and the code respoistory.

3rd Workshop - Liverpool 2013

  • Two half days.
  • NOCL, HALCROW, PML, SAMS and Marine Scotland Science people present.
  • Focus on progress being made in setting up large scale models with calibration of those models.
  • Discussion on the surface heating inputs required.
  • First time FVCOM-ERSEM had been coupled and shown to work (in a preliminary sense).
  • New version of FVCOM distributed following Karen Amoudry's visit to Chen's laboratory.

4th Workshop - Edinburgh 2013

  • Two half days.
  • Marine Scotland Science, PML, SAMS, NOCL, HALCROW (now CH2M Hill), University of Strathclyde, SEPA and IWFM (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) present.
  • Mainly a progress report from the people present at the last meeting (Halcrow/CS2M Hill, NOCL, PML, MSS and SAMS).
  • Introduction to FVCOM and the tools that have been built around it for the University of Strathclyde and SEPA.

5th Workshop - SAMS 2014

  • Two half days.
  • Marine Scotland Science, PML, SAMS, NOCL, CH2M Hill, University of Strathclyde, BUET (remotely) present.

6th Workshop - PML 2015

  • Two half days.
  • Marine Scotland Science, PML, SAMS, NOCL, Lancaster University, University of Strathclyde, Aklaplan NIVA

7th Workshop - NOCL 2016

  • Two half days.
  • Marine Scotland Science, PML, SAMS, NOCL, University of Lancaster, University of Liverpool, Mott MacDonald
  • Themes included renewable energy impacts, tidal incursion into a deltaic system, coupling wave and currents, and biogeochemical coupling (FVCOM-ERSEM).

8th Workshop - Edinburgh 2017

  • Two half days.
  • University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, MSS, PML, SAMS, NOCL, SEPA, Heriot-Watt University
  • Themes included updates to the latest version of FVCOM 4.0, nesting models and new modules, renewable energy impacts, coupling wave and currents, and biogeochemical coupling (FVCOM-ERSEM) and particle tracking.
  • Workshop was followed by the Scottish Shelf Model Workshop (another two half days).

10th Workshop - Liverpool 2019

  • Two half days.
  • University of St Andrews, University of Aberdeen, University of Liverpool, Cefas, MSS, PML, NOCL,Heriot-Watt University, University of Oldenburg (Germany), Akvaplan-niva (Norway), Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
  • Themes included optimum set-up of new FVCOM model, grid generation and tuning, post-processing and visualisation tools, coordination & maintenance of uk-fvcom repositories, model sensitivity / reproducibility / restarts / bugs, coupling to ecosystems, ERSEM and sediment module, unstructured waves and coupling, particle tracking, and FVCOM in light of the new provisions for HPC in the UK

|Presenter | Title | | |Yujuan Sun | "simulations over different scales and problems met using FVCOM" {{ :overview:simulations_over_different_scales_and_problems_met_using_fvcom.pdf |}} | | |Michela De Dominicis | "Future coastal flooding scenarios for the world's largest mega-city" {{ :overview:future_coastal_flooding_scenarios_for_the_world_s_largest_mega-city.pdf |}} | | |Marta Payo Payo | "Modelling salt intrusion in the Pearl River Estuary" {{ :overview:modelling_salt_intrusion_in_the_pearl_river_estuary.pdf |}}| | |Judith Wolf | "Tuning bottom friction in the Scottish Shelf Model" {{ :overview:tuning_bottom_friction_in_the_scottish_shelf_model.pdf |}} | | |Karsten Lettmann | "FVCOM-SWAVE" {{ :overview:discussion_on_the_wave_source_term_implementation_in_the_fvcom-swave_model-the_sign-issue_.pdf |}} | | |Mike Bedington | “FVCOM modelling in the Laptev Sea” {{ :overview:fvcom_modelling_in_the_laptev_sea.pdf |}} | | |Håvard Espenes | “FVCOM for different applications in the high-latitude oceans” {{ :overview:fvcom_for_different_applications_in_the_high-latitude_oceans.pdf |}} | | |Marius Dewa | “The Development of a Multi-Phase, Multi-Scale Leakage Plume Module Within FVCOM” {{ :overview:the_development_of_a_multi-phase_multi-scale_leakage_plume_module_within_fvcom.pdf |}} | | |Rory O'Hara Murray | “Bio-optimisation of a tidal channel - modelling kelp in FVCOM” {{ :overview:bio-optimization_of_a_tidal_channel.pdf |}} | | |Muchamad Al Azhar | “Modelling Transport of Dissolved Organic Matter in Conwy Estuary" {{ :overview:modelling_transport_of_dissolved_organic_matter_in_the_conwy_estuary.pdf |}} | |

Minutes of the discussion sessions: {{ :overview:fvcom_2019_discussion.pdf |}}

11th Workshop - Plymouth 2024

  • Two half days.
  • CEFAS, University of Aberdeen, MSS, PML, NOCL,MOWI, INCOIS, University of Oldenburg (Germany), Akvaplan-niva (Norway), SEPA
  • Themes included interaction between man-made structures and the environment, aquaculture, mCDR, water quality or new pollutants.
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